Pardon my late to the party ignorance on this but I discovered just today that the R30 does not have a 7.5 KHz step option. As mentioned in a few other threads here that's a major omission for US users.
But, to my point...the thing that surprises me the most is that there is no way to enter a custom step on this receiver unless it's an undocumented feature. As I've seen no reference to it I guess it does not. Its big brother the IC-R8600 has that step size, and it was possible to enter custom steps into the IC-R8500 to overcome the issue.
It's my understanding that a frequency with such a split can be entered, but of course without that step size using the VFO or running a search no worky! Disappointing. I'd think adding the step could be addressed in a firmware update, but one has to wonder if any will be forthcoming for a now discontinued radio. Icom's firmware updates seem to be few and far between in general.