icom 75

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Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

yeah david ensnared been over my apartment he'll tell you about my icom r75 and my other radios. i wake-up everyday looking for good radios and good radio deals. thanks ensnared for passing the word on for me.


Wiki Admin Emeritus
Jul 22, 2002
Bowie, Md.
Your comparison between a USD30 radio and the R75 really is very unfair. Most little portables are very simple to operate - but you got a radio that takes some time to learn how to use. I'm sure ridge will get you going - but there's also another resource that you should consider joining. The R75 Yahoo group specializes in just that radio, and as such you'll be able to get a lot of tips from folks that also have the same radio...

icomr75 : This is a group for discussions and information exchange on the iCOM IC-R75 receiver.

In addition, there used to be a 'R75 Cookbook' floating around somewhere - maybe still in this group - that I understand was a very valuable reference on things Icom didn't document in their manual.

It would also help if we knew precisely what you are looking to hear and where you are. We have specific forums for SWBC, Utilities and Ham (the 3 biggest categories of folks that use HF) as well as several articles in our wiki which will get you started.

best regards..Mike


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

oh ka3jj2 i've got ridge working with me on that r75 so think im on the road about learning about this bad boy! i believe its a great receiver,i just want to know more about it.then i believe i would enjoy having the r75 more.but ridge is doing a really great job in helping me out on the r75. i want to hear the military stuff man. and ridge showed me the good shortwave freq's and i found good results there.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

i don't think i can join that r75 group on yahoo ka3jj2 because i don't have a account with yahoo. but sure wouldn't mine beening in that group.but ridge have left me with alot of homework tonight to check-out on that r75


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

oh i forgot to mention i live in texas! i live in waco tx,so if you would let me know what i can hear in my part of the country on that r75! ridge has already showed me some of the things i could hear here.


Well Known Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 25, 2007
W St Louis Cnty, MO
i don't think i can join that r75 group on yahoo ka3jj2 because i don't have a account with yahoo. but sure wouldn't mine beening in that group.but ridge have left me with alot of homework tonight to check-out on that r75

You can create a FREE Yahoo account and then join all the Yahoo groups that you like.
There are many that may help you greatly with SW monitoring.

I think you just go to groups.yahoo.com and there should be a link somewhere to create the free account.
Once you do that, then you can start joining the groups of which there are thousands.
Read the R75 wiki here at RR and I believe it will have direct links to the R75 yahoo group so you do not need to search for it.

Many of the Yahoo groups do require you to be approved first but that usually occurs quickly on most of them. Some may ask why you wish to become a member so just answer honestly and you should be approved.
Some of the groups offer instant approval as well.
Once you join and read the messages in a few groups, you will quickly learn which ones are good and which ones are bad. The bad ones will be filled with spam type messages and usually nothing recent related to the groups original intentions. When I join a bad one, I'll still look back through the oldest messages and files sections before I give up on that group as many did start out good but went to hell due too poor or no moderation.
Some groups are VERY active.
I like to set my personal settings so that the groups never email me with new messages as I like to just visit the actual group page when I'm ready to read the new posts. I sometimes go weeks before I have the time to visit all the groups I am a member. I think I belong to about 300 groups.
Yahoo groups is a valuable resource in my opinion.
I still come here several times a day but whenever I buy a new radio model, I always check and see of there is a Yahoo group specific to the radio model.
There are also groups specific to what you like too monitor.
Many people are into utility monitoring with a HF radio like the R75 so there are groups dedictated to utility monitoring. You mentioned military monitoring, I'm sure there are groups specific to that as well!
I bet Ridge will offer his advice if he knows of some yahoo groups that may interest or help you out.
Once you figure out and join one group, the rest are all alike so it will become very easy too join more groups in the future.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

sorry zob-tinpusher for not responding to your thread but i just came across your thread, but i don't feel i cheated anyone because i honestly did not know how much the r75 was worth when i purchase it from my buddy wife.now i feel it would have been a different thing if i would have known what the radio was worth at first. she told me she did not give a hoop about radios and that i could give her what i wanted for my buddy radio and some other radio stuff he had.and im a person like this: if its for you to have,then you will have it.but if its not for you to have brother,im here tell ya its just not happening


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas

“brought from a buddy of mine wife because he died”

Am I the only that thinks that he cheated his buddy’s wife? All of you that think he had the “deal of the century” should be ashamed.

Yes, I suppose you are the only one having these ideations.

I have met the man in question and vouch for his character. Furthermore, it is quite difficult to "judge" someone when you've never met them in person. But, I have.

To each his own. For me, I generally don't respond to "shame-based" statements.


Apr 1, 2008
San Francisco, Ca.
“brought from a buddy of mine wife because he died”

Am I the only that thinks that he cheated his buddy’s wife? All of you that think he had the “deal of the century” should be ashamed.
Take your bitter jealousy somewhere else man:mad: you don't know this guy or the circumstances.
His buddy would probably have wanted him to take the r75 for nothing anyway.
The issue he came her with was NOT how "cheap" he got his r75 for-but how to run it.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2007
North Central Ohio
icom r75

Okay my last post on this topic:

ridgescan: "bitter jealousy" ha ha, I think not. As you say :"you don't know this guy or the circumstances"
you don't know me. If he got the radio from another radio "person" or a dealer, great job, but
he didn't. If "his issue" was how to run the radio why did he have to bring up how he got it? By
the way it is very nice of you to offer help to him.

Ensnared: Your right I don't know the man, "shame-based"; perhaps I could have phrased it differently.
I didn't mean to single yungchin out but all of you that think that it was such a sweet deal.

yungchin: I take your word that you didn't know the value of the radio, but once you found out did you offer
your buddys widow more money? Perhaps your buddy wanted you to have the radio, perhaps he
would like his wife to have more.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

well first of all zob-tinpusher! my buddy died oweing me money.and second of all i was trying to prevent from saying this zob,but the guy wife has a drug problem and i feel that the only thing that more money would have done was cause her to go to the drug house and continue to bring more harm to herself.but i don't understand how you feel that a person cannot post on rr that they got a good deal on radios! and if i don't understand the whole circumstance of something such as that icom 75,im not gonna post anything and say someone cheated! because to me when a person cheat its the same as stealing and im here to tell ya i boke no law regardless of what you may say. but to be honest about it,if you would have got a deal like that you would be the first to jump on it.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

and also zob-tinpusher she had a choice to refuse my offer on the icomr75 in fact there was. a guy there with her that said he thought the radio was worth more,and she told him it was her business and went and accepted the 60dollars for the r75. nobody put a shotgun or nothing to her back and forced her to take the 60dollar offer.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

and you can go back zob - tinpusher! and look at my former threads that i posted,and see i been telling the radio guys i knew nothing about that icom r75! and like i've already told ya i honestly did not know how much the receiver was worth when i first purchase it.


Sep 27, 2011
waco tx
icom r75

and like i've already said many times on rr! im new to rr.and i don't believe that rr promotes going out here stealing are cheating anyone out of anything whether its a icom r75 are any other radio for that matter.
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