I bought an R75 in the early nineties & could never receive anything between 30 MHz & 50 MHz no matter what antenna I used, I called ICOM tech support & was advised that the radio had a reception gap between 30 MHz & 50 MHz & 54 MHz to 60 MHz set by the factory, I guess they kinda forgot to mention that when they were selling it.
Sorry but these things you state aren't true at least with mine, and this is the first I've ever heard this. Can you give us an idea of your antenna situation-what type you run, the environment it runs within, how high it is, wheter you grounded it or not, if you live in a valley etc.I bought an R75 in the early nineties to monitor low band stuff & could never receive anything between 30 MHz & 50 MHz no matter what antenna I used, I called ICOM sales & was told that the radio could receive continuous between 1 MHz to 60 MHz with an outside antenna so I called tech support & was advised that the radio had a reception gap between 30 MHz to 50 MHz & 54 MHz to 60 MHz set by the factory which they said is clearly detailed in their sales brochure, I guess they kinda forgot to mention that when they were selling it.
Wow no doubt a bad rig thenI was living in Osceola County, Florida, level ground, the R75 was fed with 40' of LMR-400 coax into an Astron-99 fiberglass antenna on the top of a 30' Rohn tower fully grounded meeting NEMA specs, never a problem with HF or 6 meters just nothing on low band that my other receivers & scanners would pick up.
I bought an R75 in the early nineties to monitor low band stuff & could never receive anything between 30 MHz & 50 MHz no matter what antenna I used, I called ICOM sales & was told that the radio could receive continuous between 1 MHz to 60 MHz with an outside antenna so I called tech support & was advised that the radio had a reception gap between 30 MHz to 50 MHz & 54 MHz to 60 MHz set by the factory which they said is clearly detailed in their sales brochure, I guess they kinda forgot to mention that when they were selling it.
I apologize. As I had said, I haven't tried 30-50 mhz because I do longwave and mediumwave. But given a shortwave radio station frequency at a designated time would cause me to try that radio station. I haven't. Maybe I just felt defensive given that I own an ICOM R-75. Happy New Year!
i did not mean to ignore some of you guys post on the thread regarding the icom r75,but im still new trying to firgure-out how these thread and rr and you guys do things on here.
well sure could use your help ridgescan because i know very little about the icom r75! and i don't want to sell the radio and end-up regreting that i should have hung-on to it. but i use a princeton sky wire dipole antenna on that icom r75. i live in a apartment and cannot put-up a outside antenna. i ordered it from universal radio[that antenna] and they sell icom r75's and other high tech radios.and that guy robb that works at universal radio inc, told me about the primetime short wave.com web link that i put out for you guys. but again thanks alot ridgescan i could really use your help on the icom r75.