As posted above, is the CS750 still the best choice for monitoring a MOTO TRBO system if you don't know all the color codes and time slots? Also, has anybody heard about any new DMR amateur radios that might be announced at Dayton this spring?
It doesn't. Deal with them that is.
Thank you for the explanation. I think I may have to invest in this radio for that feature alone. I'm not sure what other radios provide this monitor type mode at a decent price point.Using the CS750 programing software, you create a digital channel, (receive only). You set the frequency, color code, and the slot, but you don't associate a talk group to it.
Then you put the digital channel in your chosen Zone. You listen with 'Montitor' on. Once you've identified the groups on the channel, you can go back and program them properly. I have one zone with 10 channels dedicated to receiving commercial DMR.
But, even if you have talk groups associated to the channel, you can override them using the 'Monitor' function.
Our local ham DMR repeater is on the DMR-MARC system. We have seven talk groups defined on slot two. If I'm on any slot two group and I turn on 'Monitor', I will hear all activity on slot two regardless of the talk group. No special programing is required to use the 'Monitor' function.
I suspect that some new equipment has come out since I first posted this. With that in mind, is the CS750 still one of the best choices for DMR monitoring or are there some other radio that are as good as, or better, at searching for Time Slots, Color Codes, Talk Groups, and Radio IDs?
I suspect that some new equipment has come out since I first posted this. With that in mind, is the CS750 still one of the best choices for DMR monitoring or are there some other radio that are as good as, or better, at searching for Time Slots, Color Codes, Talk Groups, and Radio IDs?