I wonder if this is a 'simulcast' issue where they use the same frequency on two sites, and the scanner is decoding parts of each transmission.
I think what he saying is, that say there's frequency 851.125, and another that's real close in frequency to that, where its picking up both frequencies on 851.125 and causing interference.
What I thought was happening is when my sds200 picked up a transmission it was getting interference from the other slot being used, like when both slots are being used on the same frequency it was causing an interference within the scanner causing the digital error rate to go up above 20 even to 30- n 40s and then the scanner has no audio even with it still open on that frequency.
Its possible though that it just having trouble with the simulcast at times, because its full bars, -80s dBm and error rate will just rise then audio goes garbled and at times just stops even with the talk group still active.
Maybe they can do some testing slots on a frequency and see if its possible within the scanner when both slots are active that they can interfere with each others transmission. Its also possible the I/Q technology isn't perfect and at times it still gets d-error on simulcast.
I know my whistler scanner won't even touch any of the 3 simulcast sites I monitor, its can't even het the data because of the simulcast Interference, so its possible its just the scanner having trouble at times. Its weird cause say like 771.71875 can be coming in perfect no do error then just jump up, the highest d-error I've seen was I. 40s which just causes all audio to stop even with talk group still open... I've even turned the (push/func) button to make it scan again to have it go right back to that same transmission and talk group that just had audio cutout cause do error to be fine. Like it got confused as hell for a second, then me pressing (push/func) making it scan again made it get its crap together again.
That would have explained my problem, but I've been to all sites in that UHF system and know it very well how it is built and all the frequencies for the sites and there's only two frequencies that are "doubled". I get this on Marine VHF and VHF Air as well, that a 100% verified frequency are heard some 125KHz and some 250KHz away only 10-20dB weaker. It's not exactly at the channel step but some 2KHz off so it's heard when it's no or weak modulation but when it's properly modulated the squelch close in the SDS100.
I did some
tests with the squelch forced open and used a signal generator at a -60dBm signal level and the result where very disappointing.
It was internal mixing going on at almost every 5KHz step, but slightly offset in frequency.
The internal mixing is what I thought was happening but instead with 2 different frequencies really close in frequency, it was both slots being active on a single frequency. But as said cud be the scanner is just not perfect and gets confused still at times from simulcast. FBI I don't know but it is somewhat frustrating.