I had to replace my antenna, receiving now on the 4413
And one of them is right in Jersey City!That site map does not show the subsites of simulcast cells. There are five subsites in the West Orange simulcast, which you are not seeing on that map.
I think we all took the PAPD test at least once. My buddy and I went to the Passenger Ship Terminal together in 1984 and had one person from my job at NYCEMS sitting between us. Of us three, he got on, ranked up quickly and was murdered in 2001 when the WTC came down on him and his crew. Instead of coming home to hang out and buff jobs, I came home to deliver his eulogy in a church loaded with blue. I don't know how I made it through. I felt as if I lost it myself, I'd have brought everyone else with me.That report is a little later then when I was there. Paramedics in NJ were a targeted bunch back then being outlawed by lawsuits the Nurses unions kept filing on and off for a few years. I know some medics that travelled back and forth between NYC and NJ while it finally played out in the courts.
I did do my ER time for EMT there in April, May 1979, but stupidly I did turn down the Paramedic program that was offered to me in 1978 while we were installing the Memcom stuff.
I don't remember a 5th floor ER
Due to the fact that the hospital was built on a hill, when you cam in the front door the ER was 5 floors up. If you came in the Ambulance ER entrance it was right there. Did a lot of riding with them, and after a night of drinking we all went and took the PAPD test one Saturday morning.
EMS staff were told not to use the VHF radios yo talk to HUDCEN any more. So I expect significantly reduced radio traffic on that channel@mondaro I did hear the same thing on Wednesday from a supervisor.
It builds system statistics and justifies additional coverage and network growth. And you're 100% right.It appears Jersey City EMS - RWJ Barnabas who now has the contract for Red Bull Arena in Harrison during events are using
RWJ - Medcentral Comm 5 Tactical for Arena EMS Operations, I would also throw in Comm 6 as well since that is labeled
a talk around channel.
Kind of strange they would use this statewide network when they can see each other line of site and get away with using a low watt simplex channel for there Arena EMS Operations.
It appears Jersey City EMS - RWJ Barnabas who now has the contract for Red Bull Arena in Harrison during events are using
RWJ - Medcentral Comm 5 Tactical for Arena EMS Operations, I would also throw in Comm 6 as well since that is labeled
a talk around channel.
Kind of strange they would use this statewide network when they can see each other line of site and get away with using a low watt simplex channel for there Arena EMS Operations.
Or perhaps their radios are single band 700/800 with no available private simplex channels in them? It would be inappropriate for them to use any of the 7TAC/8TAC channels for routine operations, and if they are not licensed to use any other frequencies in that spectrum, what else do you propose they do? Purchase separate VHF/UHF radios just so they can operate off-network at one facility?It builds system statistics and justifies additional coverage and network growth. And you're 100% right.
Depending on memoranda of agreement with the state as a network user, it might actually be fine to use the TAC channels, and there are emergency medical channels built into the national plan. The key is whether there is a holistic plan for the event, should it need to expand as an MCI rather than considering it simply a "detail" that a crew takes a bus to and sits at. The devil is always in the details.Or perhaps their radios are single band 700/800 with no available private simplex channels in them? It would be inappropriate for them to use any of the 7TAC/8TAC channels for routine operations, and if they are not licensed to use any other frequencies in that spectrum, what else do you propose they do? Purchase separate VHF/UHF radios just so they can operate off-network at one facility?
The Essex County Courthouse subsite of the West Orange simulcast cell is less than two miles from the arena, so there is no issue with coverage.
Logging of the talkgroup activity is another factor, as well as supervisors/dispatchers being able to easily monitor the talkgroup from outside simplex range. Another factor is that should the "routine event" turn into a larger scale incident or MCI requiring additional resources, everyone is already operating on the wide-area trunked system.And you're probably right, too. I rarely see real simplex talkarounds programmed into UE anymore, and most system management entities aren't licensed for off-network. Traveling around, quite a few of the systems I see have talkgroups that are painted as being off-network to the users, but really are just un-monitored (by dispatch), but probably centrally recorded TGs. That seems to be one of the big arguments is keeping a log recording of activities.
Or perhaps their radios are single band 700/800 with no available private simplex channels in them? It would be inappropriate for them to use any of the 7TAC/8TAC channels for routine operations, and if they are not licensed to use any other frequencies in that spectrum, what else do you propose they do? Purchase separate VHF/UHF radios just so they can operate off-network at one facility?
The Essex County Courthouse subsite of the West Orange simulcast cell is less than two miles from the arena, so there is no issue with coverage.
So, I'm looking through the database on NJICS and I see REMCS for Newark, and a bunch of municipal BLS, but must have missed the new names for JCMC EMS. What hospital system owns them this week, and what TGs are they using? Are they still on 4413, and is that it for them, or are there other TGs? I intend to come up in a few weeks and want to program up my 436 to hear "Hudcen" (if that's what they are still...). Or, did they revert back to VHF?
What about the 155.1675 repeater?
I am the comms officer where I work it makes no sense at all to go through a repeater (West Orange) no less when people are right next to each other, JCMC and RWJ do have VHF radios with simplex channels in them which would make a lot more sense - These PSIC radio's are certainly not the end all be all of public safety communications in my opinion.
So, I'm looking through the database on NJICS and I see REMCS for Newark, and a bunch of municipal BLS, but must have missed the new names for JCMC EMS. What hospital system owns them this week, and what TGs are they using? Are they still on 4413, and is that it for them, or are there other TGs? I intend to come up in a few weeks and want to program up my 436 to hear "Hudcen" (if that's what they are still...). Or, did they revert back to VHF?
What cell phone?What happens if the state system goes down, any backup besides the cell phone ??