Update on the Jersey City Board of Education.
It appears that the primary, elementary and middle schools are assigned to their channel based on what Police District they are in, such as all schools in the South District are assign to talk group 5001, all schools in the West District are assigned to talk group 5002, all schools in the East District are assigned to talk group 5003, and all schools in the North District are assigned to talk group 5004.
The four large high schools are assigned their own talk group and the smaller specialty high schools are assigned to the Police District they are in.
Talk group 5001 has the following schools confirmed.
PS. 15, PS. 20, PS. 29, PS. 30, PS. 34, PS. 38, MS. 40, PS. 41, Claremont Early Childhood, Curry Woods, Innovation HS, Infinity Institute HS,
Also on this talk group is the BOE Security Headquarters.
Talk group 5002 has the following schools confirmed.
PS. 14, PS. 17, PS. 23, Duncan Ave (which is an annex of PS. 23), PS. 24, PS. 39, Liberty HS
Talk group 5003 has the following schools confirmed.
PS. 3, MS. 4, PS. 5, PS. 16, PS. 22, PS. 37, Regional Day School, McNair HS (Academic)
Talk group 5004 has the following schools confirmed.
PS. 6, MS. 7, PS. 8, PS. 25, PS. 28,
Talk group 5005 is assigned to Dickinson HS
Talk group 5006 is assigned to Ferris HS
Talk group 5007 is assigned to Lincoln HS
Talk group 5008 is assigned to Snyder HS
Talk group 5009 appears to be a talk around channel and is identified as Channel 9
Talk group 5015 is possible emergency channel when emergency button is pushed on radio. It happened a few times during day.
Night time school security uses talk group 5001 with the base using the callsign “Halstead” which happens to be the street name at the back door of the BOE headquarters. The security team that responds to activated burglar trouble alarms uses the callsign “Road Team”
The schools use the callsign format of first numbers is the school number or school name and the second part is the unit number.
The following schools are UNCONFIRMED but if they fall in line with the other schools they should be in the following talk groups.
Talk group 5001. Academy 1
Talk group 5002. PS. 12, PS. 33,
Talk group 5003. Renaissance HS
Talk group 5004. PS. 27, PS. 31,