All I Can Say About The Past Week Is Holy S**t!!!
Some bad stuff happened in my neighborhood. First on wed at 4am, after raining and snowing for several hours the landscape was a frozen hell with overloaded limbs carshing to the ground all around our house then our power went out and didn't come back til yesterday. Then, on wed night LMEMS & Highview fire got called to a house 4 doors down from my house for a person w/ carbon monoxide exposure from a generator in the garage. Thursday I discovered that both my IMAX99 CB antenna and my 70ft shortwave longwire had been damaged by the ice, then we sat in the cold and dark for a few days. Sunday (my 22nd birthday) sucked like the rest of the week except for an act of kindness from some people from my grandmother's church who brought us a generator and some space heaters, but it could have been A LOT WORSE, as I would soon find out.
At about 8:30 Sunday night I was sitting in a room with some of my family watching a TV that we hooked to the generator when there was a loud banging on our door, I looked out the window and it was our next door neighbor yelling "CALL 911, MY HOUSE IS ON FIRE!!!" I ran out of the room and into the snow and ice with only socks on my feet and saw thick black smoke coming from his house and I ran back inside and grabbed the cellphone and dialed 911. After I put on my boots I ran back out into the night to see what I could do, my neighbor's dog was freaking out and at one point tried to run back into the house. Both I and my neighbor chased after him and thankfully the outter door to the house was shut and the dog couldn't get inside, he stood on the front porch and barked at me and when I tried to grab him I got bit. My neighbor ran over and called the dog off the porch just as an ambulance pulled up followed by two HFD command cars. Shortly after, the first engine company arrived followed by a ladder truck. I would like to extend a big thanks to the Highview Fire Dept. for their quick response, they not only saved most of my neighbor's home but possibly mine as well.
My neighbor called his wife to tell her what had happened (she and their 2 kids were staying with family members as their power was out) The fire started in the basement and caused severe damage to the interior of the home which will probably have to be gutted. What caused the fire, I'm not sure.
But for us it's over now, we survived the worst disaster in KY history at the worst possible time of the year, If we can make through this, we can make through anything. I was proud to call myself a Kentuckian before, and after seeing how we came together to get through this I'm even prouder now.
I hope the rest of you made out as well as we did. I can't wait to see what tornado season holds for us.