Whacker Extraordinaire
How do you read these sweep things? What's on the x & y axes and what are the different colored lines?
Here's a really good VNA primer document. Don't let the graphics scare you -- it's written very well...
How do you read these sweep things? What's on the x & y axes and what are the different colored lines?
A bit of thread hijacking.
Is the little Nano VNA accurate enough for trimming antennas? I was looking at getting 1 for antenna trimming and building.
The new Larsen 150/450/758 arrived today. Results are slightly better than the older Larsen, but nowhere near as good as the results Devicelab plotted. No surprise as my NMO mounting type and location on the corner of the hood is not an optimum ground plane for the Larsen to perform.
The new Larsen 150/450/758 arrived today. Results are slightly better than the older Larsen, but nowhere near as good as the results Devicelab plotted. No surprise as my NMO mounting type and location on the corner of the hood is not an optimum ground plane for the Larsen to perform.
Remember to calibrate out the coax if you only want to see the result from the antenna. Or use the same type and lenght of coax that you later will use if you would like to see what the scanner sees at its antenna port. And the antennas needs a proper ground plane to get the proper impedance.My plan is to take them home along with my antenna analyzer and compare the plots.
Remember to calibrate out the coax if you only want to see the result from the antenna. Or use the same type and length of coax that you later will use if you would like to see what the scanner sees at its antenna port.
Any thoughts on the new Larsen vs the Scan-III?
I wound up buying the Scan-III upon recommendation of the guys at HRO.
So they convinced you to spend 2x your money and boy you sure feel satisfied... well, there's one born every minute -- I suppose. ;o)
So they convinced you to spend 2x your money and boy you sure feel satisfied... well, there's one born every minute -- I suppose. ;o)
Can you post sweeps of the Larsen 758 and the Scan III without using a ground plane for each?