Last of the scanners: Are police security measures and new technologies killing an American obsession?

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2014
Pointless to spend $600 on a scanner, when you can't listen to PUBLIC SAFETY anymore.

We don't spend $600 to listen to taxi's or businesses......SMH

I'm like you. I'll listen to public safety and maybe aircraft but I don't give a hoot about my neighbor's baby monitor, the McDonald's drive-thru, Walmart or the local taxis.


Jan 2, 2015

You said encryption...your post will be deleted in


Premium Subscriber
Nov 7, 2006
Longview, WA
The Grand Jury. That's actually their job, not some guy with a scanner.
Sadly, the Grand Jury has no opportunity unless it reaches them. I heard a car crash a couple of years ago and turned on my scanner to see what was happening. The radio traffic mentioned that an off duty State Trooper had wrecked his car (at 0230) and then fled the scene only to return and flee again on scene before the responding LE could speak with him. I listened in disbelief as they drove to his house, watched from outside while he “put on his socks”, then they drove him back to the scene after commenting on his signs of intoxication. Reading the newspaper the next day I saw nothing. I contacted the local reporter for details and she had heard nothing. I gave her the tip and she contacted LE and the communication center through a detective who told her “Nothing fitting that description happened”. They not only DID NOT arrest the apparently intoxicated State Trooper who allegedly committed a hit and run, they actively denied it ever happened. As a former EMT-P, firefighter, and son of a retired State Trooper, I feel very strongly that there should be public oversight of most LE/FD/EMS, etc for reasons exactly like this. Can we agree on the benefit of having “Scannerland” minding the store?


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2014
Sadly, the Grand Jury has no opportunity unless it reaches them. I heard a car crash a couple of years ago and turned on my scanner to see what was happening. The radio traffic mentioned that an off duty State Trooper had wrecked his car (at 0230) and then fled the scene only to return and flee again on scene before the responding LE could speak with him. I listened in disbelief as they drove to his house, watched from outside while he “put on his socks”, then they drove him back to the scene after commenting on his signs of intoxication. Reading the newspaper the next day I saw nothing. I contacted the local reporter for details and she had heard nothing. I gave her the tip and she contacted LE and the communication center through a detective who told her “Nothing fitting that description happened”. They not only DID NOT arrest the apparently intoxicated State Trooper who allegedly committed a hit and run, they actively denied it ever happened. As a former EMT-P, firefighter, and son of a retired State Trooper, I feel very strongly that there should be public oversight of most LE/FD/EMS, etc for reasons exactly like this. Can we agree on the benefit of having “Scannerland” minding the store?

While all that may have happened, what, pray tell, will you do about it? You go to the official sources and they "actively denied it ever happened." I don't know that you have the authority to go anywhere else, if, in fact, there is anywhere else to go.

As to "'Scannerland' minding the store," peruse the posts from "Scannerland" in this forum. Do you really want them minding the store?


Jul 30, 2008
W.Babylon N.Y. 11704
While all that may have happened, what, pray tell, will you do about it? You go to the official sources and they "actively denied it ever happened." I don't know that you have the authority to go anywhere else, if, in fact, there is anywhere else to go.

Wow Really--Sounds Like Blue Wall of Silence by Your Response

{Quote}-- I don't know that you have the authority to go anywhere else

There are Plenty Of Places to Go and Anyone has the Authority to Look Into a Matter

{Quote}-- in fact, there is anywhere else to go.

Yah He Can Go to the States Attorney Generals Office / The Distric Attorney Office / Have the TV Media Request the Audio Tapes for an Insite Cover-Up Investigation

Things to Follow Up On--Wheres the Wrecked Car at the Time was it in his Driveway / Did the Insurance Company Look at the Vehicle in a Shop or Home / where is the Tow Records--Should I Keep Going


Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
Sadly, the Grand Jury has no opportunity unless it reaches them. I heard a car crash a couple of years ago and turned on my scanner to see what was happening. The radio traffic mentioned that an off duty State Trooper had wrecked his car (at 0230) and then fled the scene only to return and flee again on scene before the responding LE could speak with him. I listened in disbelief as they drove to his house, watched from outside while he “put on his socks”, then they drove him back to the scene after commenting on his signs of intoxication. Reading the newspaper the next day I saw nothing. I contacted the local reporter for details and she had heard nothing. I gave her the tip and she contacted LE and the communication center through a detective who told her “Nothing fitting that description happened”. They not only DID NOT arrest the apparently intoxicated State Trooper who allegedly committed a hit and run, they actively denied it ever happened. As a former EMT-P, firefighter, and son of a retired State Trooper, I feel very strongly that there should be public oversight of most LE/FD/EMS, etc for reasons exactly like this. Can we agree on the benefit of having “Scannerland” minding the store?
This sort of thing unfortunately does happen, I have personal knowledge of a couple of such incidents where the "good ol' boy network" kicked in to keep a brother Officer who had a lapse out of trouble. While people with scanners may not be the answer, I think we can all agree that oversight of LE is both important and, sadly, often very deficient.

And I don't see where the general public being able to monitor routine traffic hurts anything. Sure, there are things that need to be kept close to the vest, but people listening to general Dispatch and the chit-chat that often happens on "tact 1/ops 1/talk/whatever they call it" certainly poses no significant threat to officer safety. And whenever somebody starts pontificating about officer safety, I tend to ask them if they ever stopped to consider that most people seeking to create a career in Public Safety have indeed had the opportunity to consider that their chosen career path is very likely going to come with some risks.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 13, 2014
And whenever somebody starts pontificating about officer safety, I tend to ask them if they ever stopped to consider that most people seeking to create a career in Public Safety have indeed had the opportunity to consider that their chosen career path is very likely going to come with some risks.

No, there's probably no significant additional risk by letting the public listen in but you chose a bad example as a means of illustration.

That's like saying, "Don't join the army. You might get killed." or "Let your grandmother die. She's old anyway." There are some renegade officers but the vast majority of them perform a vital service, are dedicated to their jobs and they try to minimize the risks.


Dec 30, 2014
While all that may have happened, what, pray tell, will you do about it? You go to the official sources and they "actively denied it ever happened." I don't know that you have the authority to go anywhere else, if, in fact, there is anywhere else to go.

With some work documenting (what was heard on scanner and, better yet, recorded is very useful here), there are many ways to go with the information to shed light and apply public/political pressure in such a situation. It requires dedication and lots of time but there are legitimate avenues for redress of grievance. Sometimes it includes, but is certainly not limited to, protesting outside the alleged perpetrator's department, his house, and the house of his boss. Showing up at every local government meeting and making it a huge thorn in the side of the powers that be is another tool in the toolbox. Been there, done that. It can be very effective. In some places, public records laws have teeth. If you formally request public records on an incident and they claim it never happened when you have clear evidence to the contrary, it generally won't go well for them.

As to "'Scannerland' minding the store," peruse the posts from "Scannerland" in this forum. Do you really want them minding the store?

I hope not, but that sounds like the argument that the People are incapable of governing themselves. King George got our answer to that thinking a mighty long time ago; The Declaration of Independence. If you re-read that document, I believe that you will find it squarely at odds with your post.


Mar 23, 2013
Mudhole, IN
No, there's probably no significant additional risk by letting the public listen in but you chose a bad example as a means of illustration.

That's like saying, "Don't join the army. You might get killed." or "Let your grandmother die. She's old anyway." There are some renegade officers but the vast majority of them perform a vital service, are dedicated to their jobs and they try to minimize the risks.
Not trying to be a smart-alek but what makes it a poor example? I think most adults understand that if you choose to become a LEO, Firefighter, EMT, etc there is going to be an element of risk involved, just as there is by choosing a career in the military. And I think the vast majority admire people who choose to take those risks. And those risks should be minimized where practical and within reason. But waving the officer-safety flag too much carries risks of its own. If we pursue this avenue, at some point nothing gets done because somebody might have to go into harm's way. Put simply, these jobs carry risk. People who do these jobs assume that risk. If you aren't willing to do so, you probably don't belong in PS (or in a long list of other jobs, with the military at the head of that list).

And while I tend to agree with you in re the vast majority of Officers being upstanding folk, I kind of resent the implied placing of words into my mouth regarding the callousness referenced in the first three sentences of your reply. I'd never say anything like that to you or to anybody else for that matter.


Dec 4, 2018
No, there's probably no significant additional risk by letting the public listen in but you chose a bad example as a means of illustration.

That's like saying, "Don't join the army. You might get killed." or "Let your grandmother die. She's old anyway." There are some renegade officers but the vast majority of them perform a vital service, are dedicated to their jobs and they try to minimize the risks.
Sounds to me like he chose a very good example; and ipfd320 has some good ideas on how to proceed.
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