Hi Everyone!
I have been using this tool for a while now on some TIII networks in Australia. It has worked fantastically, with one exception...
I'm not sure if its the tool, my lack of understanding of the protocol or that the tool just won't completely work on the system I'm looking at.
The system shows as 'TIII (MOT)' in DSD+. I assume that means its Motorola's Capacity Max. The retailer does advertise the system as CapMax. I did read that this tool wouldn't work on CapMax earlier in the thread, but it has been working partially. I shall explain...
If I enter the Control Channel for any given site into the calculator and look for the voice channels it works correctly and I can hear voice on all voice frequencies, both slots using the calculated results from this tool. The frequencies returned match perfectly. This has worked for multiple different sites across this particular system.
However, DSD+ lists the sites peers and an associated Control Channel (I assume LSN as its DSD+). If I enter the peers CC LSN given by DSD into the calculator, still using the current sites CC LSN as the reference, I get the wrong result.
Is this because different sites in this system have different band plans? How do the subscriber radios on the system calculate the peer sites control channel? Is that where this tools limits are on CapMax systems? Is there a way to calculate this that the TIII tool doesn't yet support?
Any support, advice or direction to other resources is greatly appreciated.