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Legality of Monitoring I-Calls

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Jul 23, 2005
MississippiPI said:
Forever the critic Viper43--I have been out of town and on a case so I wasn't able to read the post. The Jackson MS police dept no longer allows I-Calls on the EDACS 800 MHz system. I monitored an I-Call with a RD scanner that was built before 1994 and would pick up analog phones--

#1: critic? No, just your story isn't making any sense
#2: sounds more like you picked up a CELL PHONE call, not an ICALL, two different things and in that case you DID break the law.
#3: there are no federal cases anywhere in the country involving anyone monitoring ICALL, again, there s a big difference between cell phone monitoring and ICALL monitoring.



Sep 19, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Viper43 said:
I was asking the person who claimed they were hauled into federal court what department it was... sheesh! Pay attention to the thread....
If you think that's what you wrote, you'd better brush up on your writing skills.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 4, 2004
All over the Great State of Mississippi
Okay folks---I picked up the I-Call with my scanner; I'm not sure if the cops used the I-call to patch into a phone line or whatever--the monitoring of the calls itself wasn't/isn't illegal. What I did with the info that I heard, by refusing to reveal where I got my info, pissed off the cops--a young man was beaten to death at the hands of the police--I have the video, I shot the story, wrote the story and the station aired it. Some of the info in the story the cops thought I wasn't privy to; the FBI got involved and it was discovered that some of the story content had info in it that couldn't be backed up because it wasn't recorded via the police depts airwaves; I-Calls weren't. After it was all said and done, I wasn't accused of anything concerning the story or factual basis--the feds took it to court for civil rights violation and of course I was involved by being there. What I said in deposition and what the cops were saying were different things--when they used their radios and talked on regular channels it was recorded, the I-Calls weren't so there was some concern about factual basis of what happened. I was concerned that I could get into trouble for the info that I obtained from the I-Call and the recording of it via my cell phone. Yes--I recorded the I-Call and when I was granted immunity I played it for the court and I caught hell from the local pd; perjury charges, civil rights violation, conduct unbecoming an officer, etc--the feds were going to hook them up. The whole story was a mess from the beginning--MS has no shield laws in this state and I was on my own until CNN contacted me about the tape. I did what I felt was right by not revealing my sources which turned out to be the police themselves--they just didn't know they were being monitored and recorded. Lessons learned i assure you--hope this clarifies all the confusion--I was trying to be careful in explaining what happened but needed to tell you that YES I recorded the I-Calls and used that info for story content and I got in some mess behind it--all is well. Be safe


Jul 23, 2005
There is nothing illegal about recording ICALL or any other radio traffic, your story keeps getting worse, give it up.
Funny too that I don't remember any such thing on CNN and even after your PM's my contacts I have talked to still cannot find any case like it..... He checked all federal cases from 96 to 2005 today, still nothing.
Basically, until there is some real proof of what your claiming no one is going to believe it, ICALLs are no different than any other type of radio transmission, and can be recorded. I know several reporters who use info recieved from ICALLs in their stories and not just in Indiana, but other states. They record them, no one has ever said a word to them about it, police or otherwise.

Slicerwizard....I'd suggest learning to read...



May 2, 2004
Actually whether it be a phone patch, ICALL, or normal radio transmission, the fact that he divulged the content of a transmission that he was not party to in fact violated the federal ECPA act, making it a federal offense. That they chose not to prosecute was up to them.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 4, 2004
All over the Great State of Mississippi
I am sorry if I confused folks on this issue; it will not happen again. It's ok for us to have opinions on different issues but it's not cool when some folks stoop to it becoming personal for whatever reason. I PM several people concerning this in hopes are clarifing this and your PM have been received and read and I appreciate it--I will not mention this again; I know what happened and I learned from it. Be Safe


Forums Veteran
Super Moderator
Dec 16, 2000
Your master site


Dec 13, 2003
Near Lakeview, LA (Caddo Parish)
I-calls ???


Call my "stewpid", Ok, I'm stupid. What is an I-Call?? Is it when someone uses
their police/fire/city radio to link to a telephone line (autopatch without id'ing as
such) and places a call to a "twisted pair" land line?

If this is the case, the Caddo 911 system has such a system that makes a "double
*bleep-bleep*" when someone is connected to the system. It's used a lot by the
Shreveport City employees to "talk" to other personel in their offices who don't
have a radio or "handi-talkie", mostly to secretaries. Occassionally, however, it
is used to place calls to employee's homes to check on children home from school
that are sick OR at home after school, alone. It's also been used by guys to call
their "girlfriends" (more that one) as whisper sweet nothings too, LOL!

Most of the "traffic" on the two "phone channels" is pretty boring, but it CAN get
exciting when a wife or girlfriend USES the system to call each other an curse
each other out, LOL! Now that I have the Pro '95, I never hear the telephone
traffic, I block it out along with all the talk groups I don't care to listen too. I
never could get all the talk groups blocked out with the other scanners, hehehe.


Individual Call.

Unit to unit call, outside a talk-group.

Also called a private call.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 20, 2003
If you do not go around talking about what you heard on I-Calls, then who is going to know?


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 12, 2007
The Appalachians - Next to the tent and campfire.
n2mdk said:
Here is an interesting question, since listening to phone calls is not legal I imagine that listening to people who use the I-Call system to patch into the phone system wouldn't quite be legal. So far the only time I hear them use the I-Call on both the Ames, and ISU systems it is for that purpose. Thought I would throw this out to the forum.

The federal Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2510 et seq., prohibits the willful interception of telephone communication by means of any electronic, mechanical, or other device without an applicable exemption.

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FF-Medic !!!



Jan 9, 2004
MS Gulf Coast
Viper43 said:
There is nothing illegal about recording ICALL or any other radio traffic, your story keeps getting worse, give it up.
Funny too that I don't remember any such thing on CNN and even after your PM's my contacts I have talked to still cannot find any case like it..... He checked all federal cases from 96 to 2005 today, still nothing.
Basically, until there is some real proof of what your claiming no one is going to believe it, ICALLs are no different than any other type of radio transmission, and can be recorded. I know several reporters who use info recieved from ICALLs in their stories and not just in Indiana, but other states. They record them, no one has ever said a word to them about it, police or otherwise.

Slicerwizard....I'd suggest learning to read...


I would like to say, "Wow!", that you are so intrigued by what PI is saying, that you are getting into researching all this...

Also, just because PI said he and CNN spoke about it does NOT mean CNN aired/published any kind of special or news about it...
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