I was in Baldwin County about two weeks ago and noticed a Lifeguard ambulance on a response. I did a little research on the internet and found out that Lifeguard bought MedStar back in the summer.
This week I was at the Texas EMS Conference and was talking with a Lifeguard employee. He works in Texas, so didn't know a lot about the acquisition other than that they plan to retain the MedStar name (at least for now) and that units from Mobile sometimes assist MedStar units in Baldwin County.
Which brings up two questions. First, what frequencies does Lifeguard use in Mobile. Second, how do they talk to Baldwin County dispatch? That's assuming that they have a need to do that and aren't just doing IFT calls.
Anyone have any ideas?
This week I was at the Texas EMS Conference and was talking with a Lifeguard employee. He works in Texas, so didn't know a lot about the acquisition other than that they plan to retain the MedStar name (at least for now) and that units from Mobile sometimes assist MedStar units in Baldwin County.
Which brings up two questions. First, what frequencies does Lifeguard use in Mobile. Second, how do they talk to Baldwin County dispatch? That's assuming that they have a need to do that and aren't just doing IFT calls.
Anyone have any ideas?