Anyone have any ideas on the MTO Mobile ranges? The lowest I have is 200000 (I imagine that's the first radio programmed) The highest I have is 201975. I imagine there are some higher.
I think its safe to say those are the associated hospitals. Not sure about that SCS one.I updated DSD+ today and now it's properly showing the aliases. So here's some aliases for MOH patches that I got, that is not in the DB.
23020 AH-GEO-MRH ?
23034 AH-HAM-HGH Hamilton General Hospital (Hamilton)
23035 AH-HAM-JURV Juravinski Hospital (Hamilton)
23036 AH-HAM-MUMC McMaster University Medical Centre (Hamilton)
23037 AH-HAM-STJH St Joseph's Hospital (Hamilton)
23121 AH-MIS-GEH ? (maybe Georgetown Hospital in Georgetown?)
23122 AH-MIS-JBMH (maybe Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital in Burlington?)
23123 AH-MIS-MDH Milton District Hospital (MIlton)
23124 AH-MIS-OTMH Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (Oakville)
23142 AH-NIA-SCS ?
I think its safe to say those are the associated hospitals. Not sure about that SCS one.
I updated DSD+ today and now it's properly showing the aliases. So here's some aliases for MOH patches that I got, that is not in the DB.
23020 AH-GEO-MRH ?