Yeah the opp comm centers will start with PP=Provincial Police then what PCC it is and OP for operator
The MNR ones show RO - Resource Officer id guess? then SSM for Sault Ste. Marie.
MNR officers show as R for Resource then the hard ID number thats on the vehicle itself R1609. Have one that shows its a boat so R4143 VESSEL
Portables come over as RP - Resource Portable RP1209-C686 C686 would be that officers assigned portable (goes off their badge number)
PRK-M/P = Provincial Park Mobile/Portable
OPP just seems to show as OPP-their radio ID # but has been the odd decoded alias and hard id #
EMS are all the unit number of the truck followed by their county
1033 HC = Huron County
1090 BC = Bruce County
2125 NI = Niagara and so on and on
EMS Portables show as the truck number then D and E as the assigned portables for that vehicle
EMS Dispatch shows as AH not sure if thats Area Hospital or Ambulance Hospital then whatever CACC it is followed by the operator desk like OPP and MNR does
AH-CAM-OP101 Cambridge CACC and so on n on
Also shows this for the hospital radios too.
AH-NIA-WLMH = Niagara - West Lincoln Memorial Hospital
AH-GEO-OSMH = Georgian - Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital
Some EMS alias show as the 2 letter county code and SP01/SP02. These are the ems superintendent portables
PESP01 = Peel Superintendent Portable 1
EMS base stations and the pagers dont seem to have any alias so its a guessing game for them ones. More or less you have to waste time and sit and wait at a station, wait and see when a truck starts to roll out and check DSD to see what station just had an alert call sent to it
MTO Road crews just show as MTO-Radio id number other then the dispatchers
MTO Enforcement shows as the hard ID of their vehicle. 271318 would be a Lambton marked explorer. Their alias done seem to have any letters to it just the numbers that match their vehicles.
Ministry of Finance just shows as MOF-M or P for mobile/portables
Corrections shows as C### C=Corrections. C03B would be a sarnia jail van (C03B is whats on the vehicle as a hard ID)
C being corrections area 03 meaning sarnia jail then they have 3 vans so 3 RID's as A B C
Windsor is C02 then A to F and so on. Might be nice to have a wiki list of this stuff