Photo of the FR24 IOMEGA iConnect custom firmware box.
[Found this on Mark's blog site]
FlightRadar24 - ADS-B Receiver Kit Received
my question is whats the catch thats not cheap hardware and they are just passing it out?
There is no catch. That's my setup in the links above.
The equipment isnt cheap for them to "hand out". The iOmega box is about $125 if you can find it and the ADS-B Beast is over $150, I forget the price. Plus there is the antenna, cables & shipping costs.
They do monitor it and make sure the receivers are always online. Ive gotten a few emails when mine was down for over 12 hours, luckily they reminded me to plug it back in, when I needed the outlet.
Im know they get some $$ from ads, but I dont think its enough to cover all the costs.
I also have an AIS Marine receiver from and that was funded by a university grant, so maybe has some kind of income source for the project also. I would think that there might be some big airline companies who help fund it, to improve their own systems too.
Its a win-win situation. I think its a great site and I love monitoring & supporting it.
I also have a friend in Texas who hosts a receiver.
Mine is Radar F-KRNP1 and his I think is F-KTKI1
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