Hi all,
"Anyone looking for a place along the shore to take their family needs to avoid Seaside Heights at all cost. I know I wouldn't want my family or friends subjected to those animals that go there."
That's why we call it Sleazeside, it's not much better in the off sleazon, it's what lives there. (Some however are exceptions, we call them victims.)
"Point Pleasant Beach, both the town and the boardwalk, is a nice alternative."
Thank you, it's nice to be appreciated.
"Lots to do, family orientated and people act like civilized human beings."
That's "oriented" and we are, a nice place to live with nice friendly people. BTW, those Russian beauties who work at the Foodtown are the high point of my day. Too bad WE can't say the same about the Bennies, especially the ones with the New York plates. When they're not throwing objects from thier cars at us they're hurling insults. I'll not go to the parking lot at the inlet while they're attracting flocks of flying garbage cans with bits of bread and popcorn! They poop all over the place as it is and when they follow a clam dredge in it only gets worse. I tell them "please don't feed the gulls, we don't go to your town and feed the rats" and duck for cover as the dive bombers do thier thing. I love Point Beach, IN WINTER!
At times I wish I could carry a flare gun, fired into a car with rowdy little urchins tossing bottles the effect would be interesting. Still I wouldn't feel safe in Sleazeside carrying a B-A-R!
BTW I have now activated the seasonal channels, mindless chatter from Risden's, Jenkinson's and the Beach Patrol is an endless source of amusement. Oh, take a peek at us at
http://www.tikibar.com/pages/webcam_boardwalk.html you'll enjoy the view.