phase 2If I recall, the tones are only in Boatbod version. Is this a phase 1 or phase 2 system?
phase 2If I recall, the tones are only in Boatbod version. Is this a phase 1 or phase 2 system?
Can anyone help me with this problem everytime I try to run I get
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 32, in <module>
import numpy
ImportError: No module named numpy
pip3 install numpy
Anyone have this running on a Raspberry PI 4 on the latest Raspbian OS? It is failing for me at this point (I ran the patch prior also).
The problem you're having is due to the "New" Raspbian October 30, 2021 Release that is based on Debian (11) Bullseye. The good news is that both of the major OP25 repos will install and compile on previous Raspbian Buster releases.
I've spent numerous hours over the past few days wrestling with Raspbian Bullseye and am not having much success. However, I have found that the Boatbod repo will completely install GNU Radio, and successfully build op25 with the exception being that Airspy device support is broken.
Conversely, I have not been able to build the Osmocom repo with cmake bombing out with the exact error message that you have posted.
My advise for the present time would be to locate and download the Raspbian Buster May 7, 2021 image to reflash your SD with and start over.
I just checked the Raspbian image archives and don't see the Raspbian 2020-05-07 release posted. However, you should be able to download and install the previous Buster release from the 2020-02-14 folder. URL: Index of /raspbian/images/raspbian-2020-02-14 (
FWIW I just downloaded Raspbian V11 and was able to install and run boatbod op25 with no errors using both RTL and Airspy on an RPI4. I do have a vague recollection that I had to fix something in the cmake files to fix the "thrift" problem a good while ago when I did some initial compatibility testing with Bullseye. Unfortunately I don't recall exactly what I changed...The problem you're having is due to the "New" Raspbian October 30, 2021 Release that is based on Debian (11) Bullseye. The good news is that both of the major OP25 repos will install and compile on previous Raspbian Buster releases.
I've spent numerous hours over the past few days wrestling with Raspbian Bullseye and am not having much success. However, I have found that the Boatbod repo will completely install GNU Radio, and successfully build op25 with the exception being that Airspy device support is broken.
Conversely, I have not been able to build the Osmocom repo with cmake bombing out with the exact error message that you have posted.
My advise for the present time would be to locate and download the Raspbian Buster May 7, 2021 image to reflash your SD with and start over.
CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/gnuradio/FindTHRIFT.cmake:70 (GR_PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE):
Unknown CMake command "GR_PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE".
It appears from your post that Ubuntu 21.10 is quite likely based upon Debian (11) Bullseye, the same as the new October 30, 2021 release of Raspbian OS for the Raspberry Pi.I just can't seem to get op25 to install.
Running Ubuntu 21.10.
Can confirm the source repos are enabled.
I have installed the gr3.8 patch.
The installer works great up to the cmake line, and then it chokes and dies.
This seems to be the error?
Code:CMake Error at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake/gnuradio/FindTHRIFT.cmake:70 (GR_PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE): Unknown CMake command "GR_PYTHON_CHECK_MODULE".
Full install log is here.
Any ideas?
At the present time, you'll either have to use an earlier release of Ubuntu or install the Boatbod repo that does compile on Bullseye until such time that the Osmocom team as patched their installer.
I haven't tried building it myself, but I do see that Max has pushed some changes for the cmake files. You might try a git pull and full rebuild.Yeah, I think you're right. I was able to install and run the Boatbod fork without a problem just now. Thanks for the helping me make sense of that error!
What attracted me to op25 in the first place was the new web UI, so I guess...I'll just have to wait! Bummer.
The issue is caused by the gnuradio 3.8 patch modifying local copies of repository files. Save your config files then try this command sequence:What command should I use to update the Osmocom OP25 branch to the latest? I presume it's NOT the same command used to update the Boatbod branch? Because, I get this error when I use "git pull" :
ken@ken-VirtualBox:~/op25$ git pull
Updating 6764091..13a3bcc
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you merge.
cd ~/op25
git checkout .
git pull
rm -rf build/*
cat gr3.8.patch | patch -p1
The problem you're having is due to the "New" Raspbian October 30, 2021 Release that is based on Debian (11) Bullseye.
That won't work. If you are installing on a gnuradio-3.8 system you need to be running op25 using python3 otherwise it's not going to be able to find the op25 libraries.Now I have to figure out how to install Python2 safely alongside Python3 to actually run it, but I'm getting closer!