OP25 Major New OP25 Release - Seeking Beta Testers

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Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
there are groups within the GNU Radio community that work on Mac ports but I haven't talked to them in years (haha, hello *MLD*!)

Also I know of no Mac port of op25.....


Ok... lol.... I'll stick with SDRTrunk on it... Hate to mess that system up as I can do enough damage if not properly supervised.....

On another note, so far the new build on hardware is going well. Kind of documenting things as I go so I can hopefully get this going on a Pi at some point for my 'project' and which once I start to build that I'll probably start a thread with the progress on it. You any good with python programming Max? May need some help once i get to that point. I need to find my book, led's, breadboard etc that came with my first Pi to see about how to go about doing something.


Feed Provider
Dec 21, 2016
Ok... lol.... I'll stick with SDRTrunk on it... Hate to mess that system up as I can do enough damage if not properly supervised.....

On another note, so far the new build on hardware is going well. Kind of documenting things as I go so I can hopefully get this going on a Pi at some point for my 'project' and which once I start to build that I'll probably start a thread with the progress on it. You any good with python programming Max? May need some help once i get to that point. I need to find my book, led's, breadboard etc that came with my first Pi to see about how to go about doing something.

Here's a link to my website for some Pi ideas and more. Website.


Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
ok the ppm value you mentioned (40.3) if that is anywhere near correct it disagrees with your command line (-q -1).

Have you tried changing to "-q 40" ?

Also try increasing the gain from "lna:30" to "lna:49"?

Also with the "-P fft" option you should be seeing an FFT plot - what does that look like?


Morning Max..... Well I was able to get this installed onto a laptop at home, everything installed fine and I documented how I did it so I will write something up and will share it on here so those who are a 'newb' at linux can use it to get this running. I was able to get the to work and saw the program running but I did not see any 'activity' of joins etc when looking. I am pretty sure it is locked onto the control channel (as it don't take much at home) and I put the center feq you reccomended in the trunk.tsv file. I messed all over with the -q value but sometimes it would look like it was trying to correct things on it's own. Then I would change the -p and it would show all '0' like it was locked onto it. Will have to look into it more and try to figure out how to change the FFT plot to constellation. Will look back through the thread here to try to learn more on it.



* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
I have been looking at this version for a while. Not a total Linux newb but I currently have @boatbod version running on a Pi3+b and would like to know something. Will this version run on a Pi3+b and if so, can it be installed with Boatbod's version already installed on the pi?


Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
I have been looking at this version for a while. Not a total Linux newb but I currently have @boatbod version running on a Pi3+b and would like to know something. Will this version run on a Pi3+b and if so, can it be installed with Boatbod's version already installed on the pi?

From my understanding, yes it will run on it but no it cannot be installed with the boatbod version. At least that is what I have gathered while going over all pages in this thread the past 2-3 days trying to get it to work myself. Could you put it in a totally different directory? Don't know that answer either as I am not sure if you could do say /boatbod/op25 ~etc for boatbod version and then do something like /gui-op25/op25 ~etc for this version. Max or someone in the know will have to confirm that one, but from what I have read on here, you can't have both installed.


Feed Provider
Dec 21, 2016
I have been looking at this version for a while. Not a total Linux newb but I currently have @boatbod version running on a Pi3+b and would like to know something. Will this version run on a Pi3+b and if so, can it be installed with Boatbod's version already installed on the pi?

It should run with no issues using the dashboard. You could also overclock the Pi 3+ if needed.


Mar 3, 2007
Talbot Co, MD
From my understanding, yes it will run on it but no it cannot be installed with the boatbod version. At least that is what I have gathered while going over all pages in this thread the past 2-3 days trying to get it to work myself. Could you put it in a totally different directory? Don't know that answer either as I am not sure if you could do say /boatbod/op25 ~etc for boatbod version and then do something like /gui-op25/op25 ~etc for this version. Max or someone in the know will have to confirm that one, but from what I have read on here, you can't have both installed.
Boatbod and Osmocom versions clash even if installed in separate directories because there are shared libraries installed to /usr/local/lib that have the same names but different functionality. You have to uninstall one before installing the other. Conceivably you could run both in parallel with a virtualization solution such as KVM or Docker. (I use KVM to run two instances of pihole on a RPI4)


Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
Boatbod and Osmocom versions clash even if installed in separate directories because there are shared libraries installed to /usr/local/lib that have the same names but different functionality. You have to uninstall one before installing the other. Conceivably you could run both in parallel with a virtualization solution such as KVM or Docker. (I use KVM to run two instances of pihole on a RPI4)

I kind of got that consensus from reading the posts in this thread. That is why I put in my first line that it couldn't be co-existing. Thank you for confirming the separate directory though as I was not 100% sure on it.


Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
After looking through this thread on how to install this and with help from you all on here I have sucessfully gotten this to work in a VM and directly on a laptop running Ubuntu Mate 20.04.4 LTS. By using some instructions to get RTL drivers installed from the SDRTrunk group and install instructions from user @n8zuz in post #270 of this thread, I went ahead and typed up how I installed this (without any errors this time) on a fresh install of the above mentioned Ubuntu Mate. Thanks goes out to everyone who helped me get this running and getting the errors corrected when I tried to install in the VM. As thanks, I'd like to share this on here as it may help someone who is a total linux newbe like myself (haven't messed with it for quite some time) but it was nice to get back into it some and now I am off to get this working on a raspi 4 for my 'project' that I have had in mind for a few years. I'll document that as I go in another thread somewhere on here.

Thanks again to everyone who helped.


  • OP25 Installation.pdf
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Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
Ok.... now that I have this up and running, how do I 'see' the web ( on another computer on the network? Do I use IP address of the computer that is running OP25? When I ran OP25 I used the http: in the command line so it would be available on another computer on the network. So far I have tired the IP address of the computer + :8080 and no go as well as the 127....... and nothing... Might have to port forward something in router (re: the 8080 port)?


Premium Subscriber
Jul 1, 2016
No port forwarding should be needed. Make sure you're not using https:// -- that won't work.

Take a look at the output of:
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
You're looking to see if Python is listening on 8080, like so:

systemd-r   540 systemd-resolve   13u  IPv4  23142      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
sshd        857            root    3u  IPv4  37109      0t0  TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
sshd        857            root    4u  IPv6  37111      0t0  TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
vino-serv  1593           mikey   11u  IPv6  36175      0t0  TCP *:5900 (LISTEN)
vino-serv  1593           mikey   12u  IPv4  36176      0t0  TCP *:5900 (LISTEN)
smbd       1632            root   32u  IPv6  34635      0t0  TCP *:445 (LISTEN)
smbd       1632            root   33u  IPv6  34636      0t0  TCP *:139 (LISTEN)
smbd       1632            root   34u  IPv4  34637      0t0  TCP *:445 (LISTEN)
smbd       1632            root   35u  IPv4  34638      0t0  TCP *:139 (LISTEN)
python     2042           mikey    7u  IPv4  41619      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)       <----------
gnuplot    2083           mikey    7u  IPv4  41619      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
gnuplot    2084           mikey    7u  IPv4  41619      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
gnuplot    2085           mikey    7u  IPv4  41619      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
gnuplot    2086           mikey    7u  IPv4  41619      0t0  TCP *:8080 (LISTEN)
cupsd     21184            root    6u  IPv6 215317      0t0  TCP [::1]:631 (LISTEN)
cupsd     21184            root    7u  IPv4 215318      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)


Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
Ran that command and found it as python3 instead pf python, not that it makes a difference... but tried the laptop ip and the 127 ip and get nothing on my windows machine.

Edit: Helps if one does not fat finger ip address. Should of been instead of Once the correct address was entered, it popped right up on the screen..... Sheesh......


Aug 15, 2008
Portage Escarpment
Will this version run on a Pi3+b

The PI 3b was successfully tested on this version just prior to its release. As always, please forward any trouble (or success) reports.

I found that it's 100% necessary to install the two heatsinks in the PI - probably some sort of fan would be even better...



Aug 15, 2008
Portage Escarpment
for those running with port 8080 open - please ref. this RR thread -



Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
Well I have attempted to run this on my Raspberry Pi 4 and the first attempt did not work at all. After looking around online found some instructions on getting the rtl drivers properly installed and once the 'rtl_test -t' came back with positive results I knew I was headed in the right direction. So I went ahead with the install of op25 which went without a hitch. Ran it and was in business and the cpu use is very low even with the browser window open. So far it is running great and then I attempted to get it to run when the pi booted, that was another nightmare as what I have done in Mate on a laptop and a install on the Pi would not work. So it was back to scouring the internet to come up with a way to do it. After trying 3 different ways to get it to work and failed on all 3 I did stumble onto having a program to start as a service. After doing all that, and running it by command line, it started! So stopped it and then set it to run at boot. Then rebooted the pi.... When it booted up, no windows opened so I opened up browser and went to the ip address and bingo, the GUI came right up and she was running away.

Once I sort out all of the details on how I did it, I will make an instruction sheet based on the current Debian 11 version of the Raspberry Pi OS and will post it here in this thread. It is about the only way I can give back as I am not good at any programming to try to help better this version.


Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
Finally got the little (3 pages) written up on how I was able to get this running on a Raspberry Pi 4B w/ 8 GIG of ram. The OP25 portion pretty much stayed the same as a regular linux install. It is more on getting the USB RTL stick to work properly (page 1). Thank you to everyone who has helped me on here to get this working, so I have attached a pdf of the instructions I used to get this all installed on the Pi.

Now I am off to finally try to make an old unit new again.


My whole intentions on getting it running on the Pi was so I can gut out and old non-working (powers up somewhat but is non functional otherwise) Electra Bearcat III 8 channel crystal scanner and putting the RasPi in the chassis along with a 2.5 watt mini amplifier for the audio. I will be using the led's in the scanner as well off the GPIO pins on the Pi to act like what the scanner used to do. I just need to figure out how to make the python program pause on an led when there is audio out. I will probably start a new thread somewhere in here, not sure if it will be in the SDR forum or over in the Uniden Tavern.... I really don't know where it would fit actually...lol....

Anyways, I will be documenting on here as I go building this as it is basically for nostalga purposes and for the fun of it. If it wasn't for OP25, I probably wouldn't of messed with trying this but I used the boatbod version years ago and after getting that running once on a Pi 3+b, it is when I came up with the idea of resurecting the old scanner. Some parts for the build have been ordered so it won't be long before I can try to get things situated, programmed and tested before really tearing into the old scanner to install things.

Edit: Forgot to mention, if anyone is good in Python & Raspberry Pi's, please send me a PM as I am trying to figure out the pause on the led's without much luck looking online. Thanks


  • OP25 RasPi Installation.pdf
    845.4 KB · Views: 24
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Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
Quick suggestion - you might create a wiki article(s) for the installation instructions instead of PDFs.

Will work on it Lindsay. I'll go look to see where to put them and once I get them done, I will post link here in this thread.


Aug 15, 2008
Portage Escarpment
Will work on it Lindsay. I'll go look to see where to put them and once I get them done, I will post link here in this thread.

If I may suggest, please place these works under a Creative Commons (CC) license - we'd be interested to post them on the op25 wiki as well. The wiki's wouldn't exist without volunteer contributions.

If you think the RR wiki needs updating, that goes 100x for the osmocom op25 wiki!



Gone Cuckoo
Feed Provider
Jan 24, 2011
Central NY
Ok I have officially jumped off the deep end on this.

I have made an attempt to get this working in the WSL in windows 10. Now I have managed to get WSL to version 2, get Ubuntu 20.04 LTS running, updated etc. Went through the install of everything and it appeared to have went ok, no major errors that I have seen. Now (as this is only linux terminal in windows) I have been able to view the USB stick in powershell and attach it to the WSL. When I run 'lsusb' in the terminal, I can see the RTL stick. When I go to run 'rtl_test -t' I get:
Found 1 device(s):
  0:  Cm , , SN:

Using device 0: Generic RTL2832U OEM
usb_open error -3
Please fix the device permissions, e.g. by installing the udev rules file rtl-sdr.rules
Failed to open rtlsdr device #0.

I have searched online and found that permissions needed to be changed (possibly) in the rtl-sdr.rules file, so I changed them. Went and restarted the WSL, reattached the USB in powershell and can see it in WSL. But it is still giving me the same error. Knowing there is someone on here that knows linux more than me, how do I go about getting these rules installed? Searching online has not really gotten me anywhere.

Thanks in advance....
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