So what should I do? I am looking to get a high gain antenna and the LDF4-50A feedline and hook it into my 25 watt repeater. Then with high gain it will help to improve siginal and ERP?
You started the thread asking about building an antenna out of RG-58. You can go here:
Omni-Gain Vertical Collinear Antenna by WA6SVT
and here:
Build A 9dB, 70cm Collinear Antenna
The parent web page for both of those articles is here:
Antenna Systems Information from
Read those to answer your original question.
Also, you need to learn about Effective Radiated Power (ERP), coax loss, duplexers, and understand how all the gains and losses add up and equate to ERP. And then you have to understand how ERP translates to effective range.
If you're looking to cover just a couple of miles, a few watts would be more than enough, provided you're not losing it all in a lousy antenna system.