Just heard PD on 1465 ID 137. Confirmed via online feed.
Another TG is 1441 Sounds like Fire Alarm? I can hear someone talking about opening/closing circuit breakers
I think 1441 and 1465 is the decimal format of the old system.
Just heard PD on 1465 ID 137. Confirmed via online feed.
Another TG is 1441 Sounds like Fire Alarm? I can hear someone talking about opening/closing circuit breakers
I think 1441 and 1465 is the decimal format of the old system.
Right... TG 11003 VERY active with Radio ID 201 (dispatch) talking to multiple other units - all encrypted....
Looks like we won't be listening to Manchester PD anymore... bummer...
Also hearing quite a bit of TG 11017 - encrypted as well - confirmed PD - radio units from TG 11003 show up here as well...
PD is going Full Time Encryption
What's the deal with PD on the EDACS system right now? Is the new system patched to it? The audio seems really messed up. Some transmissions are fine other are choppy and cut off. Very interested in what's going on technically with the 2 systems. One seems to be patched to the other.
Yeah I have PD feed up and it's choppy at times. I don't believe Manchester will go silent. If it was going to be encrypted you would not be hearing audio at all and we are hearing audio. Those TG's that the other OP posted are probably the channels obviously can't hear but the other TG's are in the clear.
I have both radios (Harris P7100 on the EDACS and a scanner on 854.9875 [new system channel]) the transmissions on the new system that are encrypted are identical in length to that on the EDACS. It actually sounds like the encrypted traffic from the new system is patched to the EDACS in the clear; that's why it sounds so messed up.
Maybe they're not fully on their new system? I thought when a system is encrypted you hear nothing but silence or loud transmission noise? Not choppy audio.
Just confirmed this with an XTS2500 on the new system (receive only). They are on the new system, encrypted (maybe just for now or maybe forever). The audio is being decrypted and patched to the EDACS. I can hear P25 feedback audio on the EDACS which confirms they are on the new system and that it is patched to the EDACS. I am on TG 11003, I can see all radio IDs and get the double LED flash for an encrypted transmission. I get no audio unless I use a scanner on the specific frequency.
Also, the radio ID that shows up on my Harris P7100ip is the same for every transmission. So, it's patched through to just one radio on the EDACS.
There are still a few units transmitting on the EDACS only like 1-3s cruiser radio. That's not going over the P25 system but the dispatcher is acknowledging on it which is then patched back to the EDACS so the officer can hear.
I have 854.9875 And it does not sound like PD. I'm hearing i'm ready for my pickup. What's my next stop. I do seeing coming up as ENC at times. But does not sound like MPD at all. Sounds like a bus or taxi
That's because it's a trunked system. I was listening late at night when no other departments were on the system except PD. Their encrypted transmissions were cycling between 3 or so frequencies. If you are listening during the day, those frequencies will have other traffic from different departments as well cycling through. The encryption you are hearing is PD, then you may hear a bus driver on the same frequency but really on a different talkgroup.
Is the old system silent now? Or are there activity still going on? I know the old system is still on, just didn't know if the whole city switched over.
Manchester PD has gone Full time Encryption....... you can't monitor them any more