McLennan County Announces Digital Migration

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Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Simulcast Sites?

Once we have all three sites up and running, we will evaluate the coverage that is provided within the City. If the coverage is acceptable we will most likely leave the ERP's as is. With Simulcast too much ERP can be a bad thing, expecially if the towers are close together like ours are.
If we do need to increase ERP, then it will need to wait till the freeze is over, I think this is supposed to happen around 2016.

When I review large systems like TxWarn P25 or GATTRS in Austin, I sometimes see several simulcast sites.

In light of these new modifications, will the system frequencies for Waco P25 be divided into two separate list of frequencies. If so, I could certainly improve reception by programming each one with a unique set of talk groups.

If so, I will gladly submit these to the RR DB.
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Jan 17, 2003
Waco Tx

The same channels will be used at each site (simulcast). We have no plans to assign different frequencies at the sites (multicast).


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Memory Circuit Failure

The same channels will be used at each site (simulcast). We have no plans to assign different frequencies at the sites (multicast).

Thanks. I tend to get these two mixed up all of the time. I could never keep other things straight like, "independent & dependent" variables. LOL. Thanks for the comeback.

Today, when I used my mobile 1/4 wave, Waco PS P25 was performing fairly well, better than at home in the Woodway area. If I were to buy a directional antenna, where would be a good spot to hit? Are the two towers listed in the RR DB, I haven't looked.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Waco Public Safety: Linear Simulcast Disortion

Previously, I asked for feedback about how Phase II scanners worked on the Waco Public Safety P25 system. Now, I can provide an answer. I went out and bought a Uniden 436HP. Without any adjustments being made on this raid, straight out of the box, it is already blowing this PSR 500 away with respect to clear, uninterrupted transmissions. The linear simulcast distortion has dramatically improved over my PSR 500. The PSR 500 continues to emit choppy signals while the Uniden kicks arse. I made the right decision in buying this radio. Now, I will get busy making a local favorites list for my home base.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Noticed Something Today

The great thing about my new Uniden 436HP is the zip code audit. Since I'm a newbie for this radio, I am still scanning via zip code while I'm making up my home favorites list.

On several occurrence, I heard test, test, test.

Here is what was on the screen:

Interoperability USA
Full Database
Public Safety Common –
Public Safety Tactical
93 (post-rebanding)
812.5125 FM

I did a FCC search on found this:

ULS License - PubSafty/SpecEmer/PubSaftyNtlPlan,806-817/851-862MHz,Trunked License - WQAD265 - WACO, CITY OF - Frequencies Summary

Next, I went to the Waco Public Safety P25 system and clicked on the call sign button. I found this map:

Site Map: Waco Public Safety P25 Trunking System, Waco, Texas

This call sign showed on two sites, WNSW338

ULS License - PubSafty/SpecEmer/PubSaftyNtlPlan,806-817/851-862MHz,Trunked License - WNSW338 - WACO, CITY OF - Frequencies Summary

There were 84 frequencies listed.

Then, I went to the 3rd tower shown, WQKV397

There were 18 frequencies present.

Previously, when I looked at the license for Waco Public Safety P25, the 12 system frequencies listed on the RR DB, they were shown clear as day. I went through and found what I believe to be most of the frequencies listed under system frequencies, but one was missing, 859, 9375. I think this has been added, possibly when the linear simulcast was added in the recent past.

I'm attempting to program this new radio. Hence, my head feels numb. I've been at this all day long. Have you ever been faced with a puzzle or difficult task you could not do. You get frustrated and all of the sudden, someone walks up and solves the problem? Well, that is what I'm hoping here.

The testing prompted me to think, what is going on here?

Maybe I will get a chance to discover a new trunking system with this new Uniden.
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Jan 17, 2003
Waco Tx
Late update

The great thing about my new Uniden 436HP is the zip code audit. Since I'm a newbie for this radio, I am still scanning via zip code while I'm making up my home favorites list.

On several occurrence, I heard test, test, test.

Here is what was on the screen:

Interoperability USA
Full Database
Public Safety Common –
Public Safety Tactical
93 (post-rebanding)
812.5125 FM

I did a FCC search on found this:

ULS License - PubSafty/SpecEmer/PubSaftyNtlPlan,806-817/851-862MHz,Trunked License - WQAD265 - WACO, CITY OF - Frequencies Summary

Next, I went to the Waco Public Safety P25 system and clicked on the call sign button. I found this map:

Site Map: Waco Public Safety P25 Trunking System, Waco, Texas

This call sign showed on two sites, WNSW338

ULS License - PubSafty/SpecEmer/PubSaftyNtlPlan,806-817/851-862MHz,Trunked License - WNSW338 - WACO, CITY OF - Frequencies Summary

There were 84 frequencies listed.

Then, I went to the 3rd tower shown, WQKV397

There were 18 frequencies present.

Previously, when I looked at the license for Waco Public Safety P25, the 12 system frequencies listed on the RR DB, they were shown clear as day. I went through and found what I believe to be most of the frequencies listed under system frequencies, but one was missing, 859, 9375. I think this has been added, possibly when the linear simulcast was added in the recent past.

I'm attempting to program this new radio. Hence, my head feels numb. I've been at this all day long. Have you ever been faced with a puzzle or difficult task you could not do. You get frustrated and all of the sudden, someone walks up and solves the problem? Well, that is what I'm hoping here.

The testing prompted me to think, what is going on here?

Maybe I will get a chance to discover a new trunking system with this new Uniden.

WQAD265 is our NPSPAC Interoperbility license, 8TAC-90, and 8TAC-83 are repeated.
WQKV397 has been canseled, frequencies were moved to WNSW338.
WNSW338 now lists all 16 operational frequencies, including 859.9375.
856.5125, 859.9375, 858.9375, and 857.9375 will be used as conventinal backup on their own seperate repeaters. We are in the process of another (sheeh) reprogramming to install the new backup channels. Once the suscribers are re-programmed we will install the four repeaters and shut 2b33 down (finally!).

Needed several rounds with APCO to get this straightned out on WNSW338.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Beter Reception for Scanner Listeners?

WQAD265 is our NPSPAC Interoperbility license, 8TAC-90, and 8TAC-83 are repeated.
WQKV397 has been canseled, frequencies were moved to WNSW338.
WNSW338 now lists all 16 operational frequencies, including 859.9375.
856.5125, 859.9375, 858.9375, and 857.9375 will be used as conventinal backup on their own seperate repeaters. We are in the process of another (sheeh) reprogramming to install the new backup channels. Once the suscribers are re-programmed we will install the four repeaters and shut 2b33 down (finally!).

Needed several rounds with APCO to get this straightned out on WNSW338.

Based on what you told me about the "linear distortion" something that completely annihilated my PSR 500, I bought the Uniden 436HP as I previously indicated. It has proven to be worth every dime spent because now the signals are not chopping out.

So, what is the bottom line for listeners once you get this system completed? Will this improve the reception for all or only law enforcement? Or, will scanner listeners experience worse reception? I know I'm asking you to peer into your crystal ball, but I am curious.

Finally, do you employ engineers and/or radio system architects (don't know better term) to design the system based on terrain analysis, etc. Or, is this what you do? I find your job fascinating to say the least.


Jan 17, 2003
Waco Tx
Based on what you told me about the "linear distortion" something that completely annihilated my PSR 500, I bought the Uniden 436HP as I previously indicated. It has proven to be worth every dime spent because now the signals are not chopping out.

So, what is the bottom line for listeners once you get this system completed? Will this improve the reception for all or only law enforcement? Or, will scanner listeners experience worse reception? I know I'm asking you to peer into your crystal ball, but I am curious.

Finally, do you employ engineers and/or radio system architects (don't know better term) to design the system based on terrain analysis, etc. Or, is this what you do? I find your job fascinating to say the least.

I was hired in 1997 to fix the old radio system. Once I aquired enough knowledge to see that the old system was on it's last legs, I convinced management that we needed a study for the plans for a new radio system. The "three site" system was started with a Consultant study back in 2003, which we finally finished by adding the third site a couple months ago.
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