VENUS-02 is #92-9000. Was doing approaches at KMDT Harrisburg
1315 EDT
226.675 ZDC Elkins Low - BADGER-15 flight: "We're currently a six ship given our last top-off and our ALTRV." Dropping down into EVERS MOA FL240 to FL260 for Exercise Misty (Dawn?)
EVERS MOA Active until 1430 EDT today
143.600 - 121st FS
238.175 - 121st FS
285.225 - 121st FS
237.250 - 121st FS: BADGER-11, BADGER-81, ?NORDIC-32?
374.125 - recently used by 121st FS DC ANG over EVERS MOA
Possibly tanker of BADGER-15 flight?:
ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live - aircraft flight history
Found this in search:
Jul 26, 2023 - May 16-21,
2023 the DC Air National Guard participated in Operation
Misty Dawn, an intricate joint
exercise at Fort Drum, New York. The DCANG partnered with the New York Air National Guard, Michigan..