just gets worse and worse for Milwaukee.
Now in a way I kinda feel sorry for the Police chief.
The welcome conversation I would imagine went something like this ....
City PD Assist Chief : "Welcome aboard, we here at MPD welcome you with open arms, open to your new ideas. Here's your corner office, unmarked take home car and oh by the way, we are building a radio system that is X years overdue, X million dollars over budget and the manufacture has been sold three times now, but really....we are glad your here" LOL
New Chief : " Awwwww geeeze, not another Opensky system I hope ? "
Assit Chief : "Yup"
New Chief : (facepalm) " I need a beer."
The Police chief that wanted this system is no longer the Chief, and most of the alderman that approved this system are in jail, or went to jail for other reasons (no joke) I think there is only one alderman left right now who approved this system. The mayor is long gone too.