How would one go about trying to get that law changed in KY? Other than writing a member of the General Assembly, or is that the way? I would love to make a proposal.
mastr said:In simple terms, the FEDS don't mind if you listen to KY police,
but nothing prohibits the Commonwealth of KY from making it illegal.
benjaminfs733 said:As far as I (and others I work with) read the law it only applies to a vehicles.
N4AOF said:Actually the law applies anywhere the police feel like enforcing it. Our beloved Commonwealth Attorney Generals have issued decisions that the law covers any radio that COULD BE programmed for police channels even if it was not so programmed at the time; and that it covers base station radios in a car even if not connected and not capable of mobile operation. Note also that the law does not make any mention of scanners - it covers any radio or other aparatus that can receive police signals - which would include any TV or radio that tunes the UHF TV band with analog tuning.
The exemptions are worded in a way that defies grammar and logic, but as mentioned by others, any attempt to fix this law is vigorously opposed by the law enforcement lobby.
Bottom line, in Kentucky, if you manage to annoy a cop while in possession of anything even vaguely resembling a radio, you stand a very good chance of being prosecuted. You may be convicted even if you can clearly demonstrate that you are covered under one (or more) of the exemptions or if you can demonstrate that your radio does NOT violate the law (Yes, it happened to a particularly annoying twit despite being a licensed ham radio operator, in possession of his license, and carrying a radio shack HT that cannot function out of band!). Eventually this law might be overturned if it is ever used against someone with more money than sense, but until then just keep a copy of the law AND your ham license with you and try to avoid unnecessarily annoying the cops.
Also note that Kentucky law authorizes confication of the equipment regardless of whether or not charges are even brought, much less needing a conviction.
432.570 Possession or use of radio capable of sending or receiving
police messages restricted; Penalty; Enforcement
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person except a member of a police department or police force or an official with written authorization from the head of a department which regularly maintains a police radio system authorized or licensed by the Federal Communications Commission, to have in his or her possession...any mobile
radio set or apparatus capable of either receiving or transmitting radio or other messages or signals within the wavelength or channel now or which may hereafter be allocated by the Federal Communications Commission, or its successor, for the purpose of police radios...
4(c) An individual who possesses such a radio, provided it is capable of receiving radio transmissions only and is not capable of sending or transmitting radio messages, at his
place of residence...
unitcharlie said:Possession outside one's domicle is illegal per the law except as noted in the exemptions section.... although the first section says they are illegal to possess (but that is the beauty of this law, concise and to the point!) the fourth section says it is ok in one's home.... go figure!
A HAM Ticket is the safest way to get around the law as written... pass the test, keep the wallet sized ticket with the scanner.