Guys - NJ Members.
DB Admin in the near future will be doing some DB "house cleaning" of "depreciated" frequencies state wide. We need your help to determine if these frequencies are still in use, especially if it is known the frequencies are used as "local" and / or as "backup" to the various Trunk system(s) the agency now operates on. We want to make sure before the cleanup starts and not to remove "active", though rarely or intermediately used frequencies.
One Example:
[FONT="]MONOC EMS has transitioned over to the New Jersey Interoperability Communications System. All MONOC UHF frequencies are now depreciated and unused.
[FONT="]Thank you in advance.
DB Admin in the near future will be doing some DB "house cleaning" of "depreciated" frequencies state wide. We need your help to determine if these frequencies are still in use, especially if it is known the frequencies are used as "local" and / or as "backup" to the various Trunk system(s) the agency now operates on. We want to make sure before the cleanup starts and not to remove "active", though rarely or intermediately used frequencies.
One Example:
[FONT="]MONOC EMS has transitioned over to the New Jersey Interoperability Communications System. All MONOC UHF frequencies are now depreciated and unused.
[FONT="]Thank you in advance.