More 996XT Adventures in Poor Interface Design

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May 27, 2007
Sarasota County, FL
this is like every forum, two or three heavy hitters to shut down anyone whos not in the click.. anyone against the general grain. the interface sucks, the features are good, the radio does what it wants, how it wants. seriously. i set the alert on the talkgroup to blue on police talk groups and only about 10 percent of the time does it change to blue..

give me a break, thank god for the third party software out there for this scanner.


The software only does what the firmware provides for. There is nothing that 3rd party software does (at least none that comes to mind) that cannot be done directly through the scanner itself; albeit in a faster and more efficient manner than can be done manually. As with all DMA scanners; software only faciltates doing the same things that would otherwise need to be done manually thru the front panel. It adds no features or performance improvements and certainly does not provide any "fix" for any of the perceived issues that this thread began with. Both the 996XT and the 396XT perform, program and function the same... with or without software.


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
I told myself I was not gonna reply but this is my last post to the original poster:
1) No one is "shutting you down"...on the contrary you are allowed to make as many foolish statements as you replying to your incorrect statements is "not shutting you down" it is correcting your misconceptions so that other new users don't get confused and take your posts seriously.
2) Using your logic: I don't expect Microsoft to go back and change every copy of Windows 7 because I refuse to adjust to the parameters of how the operating system works.
As others have said repeatedly to you: Scanners are complicated radios these days. Both GRE & Uniden have to pack a hell of a lot of features in limited button real estate. It is up to ME to learn those button sequences. It is only MY fault (not GRE or Uniden) if I am stubborn and refuse to learn the ins and outs of how my radios work. I have 30+ radios and many of them are just as complicated as the 396XT/996XT. I still have to go back and refresh my memory on how to use those features now and again. That is not GRE/Uniden/Yaesu/Regency/Radio Shack/Icoms fault. That is MY fault.
See a trend in my above sentences? I admit when the issues are MY FAULT. I take responsibility for not totally understanding my radios. I do see a trend (that others have noted) where the issues are always someone else's fault (Uniden or other forum members). You are never to blame. Always "The Man Holding you down". I hope you are young because if you continue with this mindset in life it will be a rocky road ahead indeed.
My intent with this post is not to antagonize but to help.
We are here to help you out but only if you realize that you are the ONLY person that has vilified the 996XT and Uniden with your past comments.
No one else has shared your beliefs.
Hope You learn to use (and enjoy) your 996XT the
way the rest of us have.
Happy Holidays (and Happy Monitoring).
Marshall KE4ZNR

this is like every forum, two or three heavy hitters to shut down anyone whos not in the click.. anyone against the general grain. the interface sucks, the features are good, the radio does what it wants, how it wants. seriously. i set the alert on the talkgroup to blue on police talk groups and only about 10 percent of the time does it change to blue..

give me a break, thank god for the third party software out there for this scanner.



May 27, 2007
Sarasota County, FL
Well, I don’t consider myself brainwashed, and if you look at the number of posts associated with my name you’ll see I’m not a heavy hitter, not even close!

I have been an active scanner listener for 33 years. I’ve owned crystal scanners, an early 16 channel programmable scanner made by Regency, several Radio shack scanners including a Pro-2020, a Pro2005 modified with an Optoscan 456,a Pro-2006, a Pro-43, a BC780XLT, a BCD396T, a BCD996T, BCD396T, and a BCD996XT. Most of these I still have and I am getting great service from yet today. I’ve tried AORs, GREs and others along the way.

To keep the scanner interface from being as complicated as most HF amateur radio rigs these days manufacturers have to fit it all in to the fairly simple keypad we have today. You see this same type of thing on ICOM, Kenwood, and Yaesu handhelds. I’m an Extra class Ham and have had to learn years ago how to use keys that have three functions. I have a couple Yaesu FT-530s.

Is the BCD996XT somewhat difficult to use, can be depending on experience level. Does software make it much easier to use, very much so. Do you end up in quick search sometimes? Well yes, I figured out a long time ago to answer ./No if I hit that key sequence. Does it mean the ergonomics are bad? Not necessarily so. I like being able to do a quick search at times when it really comes in useful.

Back up a bit, the amateur radio handhelds I mentioned a bit ago - the FT-530s. Great dual- banders! Let me just say I have hit more keys by accident that put me in way worse places on those than I’ve ever encountered on the 996s, or my 396s. At times it has taken me 20 or 30 minutes to figure out how to get the FT530s out of automatically sending DTMF codes each time I key them up from the actions of my fumbling fingers.

I like the interface on the 396s and 996s. Yes, it took me some play time to get them figured out. Yes, I carry a small cheat sheet with me to air shows and what not. With a little investment in time you may find yourself liking them just the way they are.

Happy holidays to everyone on the forum.

This was nicely written. Thank-you for sharing and taking the time that you did in putting this post together. Well put and on point.


Nov 18, 2009
Parkland, Florida
I feel that I have documented serious issues with the user interface of this radio, the smarter people who dont post in public have sent me pvt messages on here backing me up on this, new users need to see all the information so they can make the right choice..

I dont need to spend 100 hours learning from internet wiki's and forums how to use a product that should come with a printed manual..


Radio Geek
Premium Subscriber
Jan 21, 2002
Raleigh, NC
I feel that I have documented serious issues with the user interface of this radio, the smarter people who dont post in public have sent me pvt messages on here backing me up on this, new users need to see all the information so they can make the right choice..

Really? Show us proof of all of these "smarter people who don't post in public that have your back". If there are such defects with the user interface there would be no reason why anyone would be reluctant to post here openly like the rest of us. There is no reason to hide if "such serious issues" need to be addressed. Back up your statements: Show proof of your supporters. Better yet: let them speak for themselves. I mean surely they would have supported you already in this thread if they truly exist?

I dont need to spend 100 hours learning from internet wiki's and forums how to use a product that should come with a printed manual..

Actually: It is apparent you do need to spend more time (hours if needed) learning from Wikis, User Forums, and be open to taking advice from people that might (just might) know more than you about this radio. I am not talking about myself. I am talking about everyone else that has posted here in this thread. Again: these radios are very complicated. There is nothing wrong in taking time (a lot of it if needed) to learn how to use your equipment.
And as far as the weak "printed manual" slam: that has been a horse beaten to death many times over. Both GRE & Uniden have decided to go paperless as far as manuals for many reasons: cost, being more green, etc. If that is a big issue then you have picked the wrong hobby.
Happy Holidays and Happy Monitoring!
Marshall KE4ZNR


Premium Subscriber
Nov 20, 2008
Vista, CA
I feel that I have documented serious issues with the user interface of this radio,

Which issues would that be? Everything I have seen from you so far appear to be from a new user who desired an instant gratification from your scanner. Sorry, they don't work that way any more?

the smarter people who dont post in public have sent me pvt messages on here backing me up on this,

I guess I'm the dumb one for publicly posting and trying to help you through your period of frustration?

new users need to see all the information so they can make the right choice..

You are not going to return your scanner but want them to make the right choice?

I dont need to spend 100 hours learning from internet wiki's and forums how to use a product that should come with a printed manual..

You have spent 100 hours learning your scanner and this is all of the progress you have made?


Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
I too like a printed manual, but it came with a CDROM with all the information I needed and is searchable. If a change is made, it's readily available on the Twiki and fully able to be downloaded with one click of a hyperlink.

Many manufactures only support a CDROM or PDF download as part of there "green" policy leaving it up to the end user to print the manual in part or whole.

It's really a double edged sword, some like a printed manual, but complain that its not readable or that it's not complete, others want a CDROM or PDF to be able to search for specific topics, but complain that it's not in printed form. RadioShack has tried to appease everyone by including a printed manual and have a PDF download available online, but if changes are made to firmware, it's up to the end user to make sure the release notes are read and understood.

Do you have a better suggestion? I guess all of the above, but I think your welcoming a separate charge for a supplemental manual in printed or electronic version if you want it all.


Feb 16, 2006
I can agree with some of the comments brusso99 had. The .no button drives me nuts, but after reading the above and trying the lo button my life just got better. I have programmed a 996 by hand and also use Freescan later. I love Freescan and use it all the time now. The big complaint I have is with the previous firm ware up dates. It was F###'n torture trying to follow the steps. I even offered to pay someone to do the updates for me, with only 1 offer to far away. I slogged through it and latter helped one of my friends update his radio, that sucked just as much. The support from Uniden in my opinion and my few friends that tried this update, was less than helpful. Aside from this problem and a LED issue that I was charged for I like the radio and own 2 396t / 396xlt. Uniden is not perfect , but I sure think it is easier to program than a Radioshack. Oh yea the reception is also fantastic. P.S. the *** counting really does bug me, but thats what glasses and a cheat sheet are for.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 9, 2005
Los Angeles
I've been scanning for over 30 years and love the new Uniden XT scanners. I use mine every day and have no regrets or trouble using it.

If your not happy with yours, I suggest you either return it or sell it.


Jul 24, 2006
Bay Shore Long Island NY
The first trunking radio I had acquired gave me a retard attack. I had to learn about trunking radio. But lets face it I still can’t set these things up right without specific knowledge like talk group id’s etc. Now here we go with more trunking type systems and now digital to contend with. And just as I was seeing daylight here we go with massive memory and dynamic memory allocation. And now you gotta flash this thing to keep up with rebanding and what else.
I can program in a few computer languages . But this dynamic memory architecture is a beast to program. You think controlling this radio via the menus is a pip you should see what it is like dumping all the systems in an organized manner using software. It’s like pulling teeth without pain killer. You need to decipher database structures for all the different trunking system and sites not to mention defining all fields and variables. These structures in source code should have been provided by Uniden but they did not. So you have to reverse engineer this. I managed to dump conventional systems but I’ve just about had enough of this crap. I don’t have time for this nonsense. So as far as I’m concern without FreeScan or something like it and a subscription to Radio Reference Data Base it’s dumpster junk.
So a word of warning . If you’re an old time user of the old days using bank memory and no trunking get ready for Tazor Shock.
You need to think of this radio as a computer driven device like a mega complex mpg player. You need to interface and load your systems and set up configurations via software. If You like doing this kind of stuff you’ll come to love this radio like I do. Uniden XT scanners have kept up with the extreme complexities of public communications. It’s a beautiful piece of technology with a steep learning curve if your new to scanners or computers.
The Scanner . Well it’s pretty much brain dead on arrival and needs to be educated overtime and then you can detach it from its mother the computer . So it can stand on its own. But time to time will need more lessons from Mom.


May 27, 2007
Sarasota County, FL
The first trunking radio I had acquired gave me a retard attack. I had to learn about trunking radio. But lets face it I still can’t set these things up right without specific knowledge like talk group id’s etc. Now here we go with more trunking type systems and now digital to contend with. And just as I was seeing daylight here we go with massive memory and dynamic memory allocation. And now you gotta flash this thing to keep up with rebanding and what else.
I can program in a few computer languages . But this dynamic memory architecture is a beast to program. You think controlling this radio via the menus is a pip you should see what it is like dumping all the systems in an organized manner using software. It’s like pulling teeth without pain killer. You need to decipher database structures for all the different trunking system and sites not to mention defining all fields and variables. These structures in source code should have been provided by Uniden but they did not. So you have to reverse engineer this. I managed to dump conventional systems but I’ve just about had enough of this crap. I don’t have time for this nonsense. So as far as I’m concern without FreeScan or something like it and a subscription to Radio Reference Data Base it’s dumpster junk.
So a word of warning . If you’re an old time user of the old days using bank memory and no trunking get ready for Tazor Shock.
You need to think of this radio as a computer driven device like a mega complex mpg player. You need to interface and load your systems and set up configurations via software. If You like doing this kind of stuff you’ll come to love this radio like I do. Uniden XT scanners have kept up with the extreme complexities of public communications. It’s a beautiful piece of technology with a steep learning curve if your new to scanners or computers.
The Scanner . Well it’s pretty much brain dead on arrival and needs to be educated overtime and then you can detach it from its mother the computer . So it can stand on its own. But time to time will need more lessons from Mom.

This was very funny.... and quite accurate for the newcomer to the latest in scanner technology. But... what I like best is how you eventually wound up at, "If You like doing this kind of stuff you’ll come to love this radio like I do".


Nov 18, 2009
Parkland, Florida
a few of you need to get a life and take into account that i am the counsumer who purchased this thing... me and many many many others on here think it works like crap. please go and continue to haze yourselfs in worship to this toy for which you have learned to be the master of work arounds. There are many problems with this unit.... instead of the nonstop protection you so adore it with, why dont you guys build a serious faq for all the people with a life who perhaps are using this unit for a reason and feel that it needs to work and meet the demands of the consumer. you are not the norm you are the exception.

Merry Christmas!!!


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Arlington, TX

No offense, but it sounds like you are a consumer that made a purchase before doing any research. If you had researched this product you would have found that it is NOT a beginner model. You must first understand how the dynamic memory system works in order to understand any of the higher functions. That was a major hurdle for me when I received an SC230 then a 396T years ago to do reviews on for a magazine. I had to send the 396T back after finishing the review, much to my chagrin, but recently fell back into possession of a used 396T. I love the thing, and try to do all my programming via computer so I only have to mess with a few key sequences to get where I want. But if I get stumped, I get out the manual and READ IT. I also own a PCR-500 and I'm constantly getting out the manual on that baby. I realize actually READING a boring manual in today's instant gratification Twittered world is a hard concept to swallow, but it works! Several months ago I purchased a Crackberry (I say that because the damned thing is addictive!). Anyway, did I return to the store and ***** to the clerk because I didn't know how to work it? NO, I got out the manual, and actually READ IT cover to cover. Then, what I couldn't find in the manual I searched for online. Uniden has the best written scanner manuals in the business, so don't even begin to tell me the information you need isn't in there. When someone gets on here and starts *****ing adnausium because they didn't do their research or are too lazy to get out the manual and work through the learning curve, most of us simply don't have any sympathy or patience for you.


Nov 4, 2005
Merry Christmas!

If the 996XT is so flawed, then why isn't this forum filled with everyone complaining? Your acting like the 996XT is so broken it needs to be recalled by the manufacturer.

Yes, this is not your Grandpa's crystal scanner. If you think the 996XT has it's quirks, then don't even think about a RadioShack or GRE scanner. These radios have quirks - different from the XT, but still quirks.

Think of all the features of the XT, then the advanced features. This XT does everything a scanner can do these days. To complain about a simple button press issue because you don't like the way Uniden implimented is simply petty.


Nov 18, 2009
Parkland, Florida
honestly that was about the last straw, i did my research, i have read the materials, i worked with all the software there is for this unit. i have made the effort, I have even built about five different antennas and tested two discone antennas, Please all of you stop making all these wild assumptions. I getting tired of it. your all keyboard commandos. it's getting stupid now. Read my post.. READ the thing. there are issues i point them out. if you dont have these issues then move on.

LET ME REPEAT THE I FEEL THAT THE UNIDEN is the best choice, that the interface on the unit is poor.
I believe that some people on here feel like they have paid some dues and have earned some right, that is a fantasy and if it makes you feel like your not slow and special people then good for you.

as a consumer i know when something works like crap. i am not going to entertain keyboard commanders pissing contest. so move on.. there are people on here who hate this thing and they are just afraid to step up and get into a nightly flame war. i will do some videos and help as many people as i can work this thing.

what i wont do is get on here and tell eveyone with an issue they need to read the book or they have not done enough suffering with this craptastic scanner, i will help them over and over unlike some of you people who should look in the mirror and think about your attitudes..

if you dont like move on, but you wont beat me in to submitting to your nonsense...
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Feb 24, 2001
Every time I press a wrong button, in hold I get Direct Entry..

OR let say I start entering a freq like 12 and press yes

I get the question like quick save TGID save?

This dialog box is inescapable. Search does nothing, menu does nothing,


Next I get Select System.. BUT I PRESSED NO!!!

I don't want to proceed, I want to say no and go back to what I was doing...

When ever you get in that DE mode press the L/O key to exit.

If you are taken to the menu Press the L/O key to escape.

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