So I recently got back into scanning and realized I was getting nothing from the NJ Morris County System. Going to the data base showed me they went to P25 Phase II which explained it. I reprogramed my BCD996P2 and still can't hear anything. I went over all the setting that I have for the NJICS P25 Phase II system, which I can get just fine and hear the state police, and made sure the Morris county system was setup the same. Double checked the database and site frequencies but can't get anywhere. I read a bunch of posts here and played with the P25 threshold and dropped squelch to 0 but still nothing. Firmware was updated to most recent as well. Everything came in fine when it was the old P25 Phase I system on both my BCD396XT and the BCD996P2, now I get nothing. Does anyone know how to get this to work?