I did buy a pair of these this weekend from REI. I do like that they will work for voice and texting. I am underwhelmed by the range, which is what I expected. I do really like the concept of Bluetooth pairing to a radio, though. If that becomes available on a radio with 4 watts, I might be a bit more interested.
How is the audio on the T800? Is it like the other T-series models? I suspect it has Motorola's crappy and much hated X-Pand audio companding feature. The compander is always on and with no way to disable it.
An easy audio test you can do is listen to the receive audio from a T800 when another T800 or other T-series TalkAbout radio talks to it. Then try talking to it with another radio that definitely does NOT compand the audio. The compander in the receiving T-series TalkAbout will expand audio that wasn't compressed originally and blows it apart and sounds like crap. The audio will sound muffled and distorted and at reduced volume. Also try listening to other local FRS traffic in your area and you'll notice the effects of the compander expanding audio that wasn't compressed originally.
The companding system works as advertised when all radios compand their audio and can actually sound pretty good. Motorola's low end business radios or business bubble packs as I like to call them also have the compander always enabled. The problem is it forces an incompatibility with other radios that don't compand their audio. It's an all or nothing type situation. While the companding feature works as advertised, it creates problems and is why I would prefer to have it selectable per channel or not have it at all.
Motorola has a good thing going for them with the TalkAbouts as far as FRS bubble packs go compared to other manufacturers. The T-series build quality is superior to older TalkAbouts made for Motorola by Giant International. The deal with Giant ended a couple of years ago and the T-series TalkAbouts are made in Motorola's factory. The problem is the X-Pand audio companding feature in the T-series just about destroys them.
I still might get a pair of T800 TalkAbouts for my young nephews to play with when they visit. The X-Pand companded audio won't matter to them.