Wanted to add an update to this thread... When I first posted it, I noted that I really wanted to clean up the cable management underneath the desk, because I had the power strips sitting on the floor. It caused a cluttered feel.
I've added a few things to the setup to help with this. I purchased
these magnetic mounts on Amazon. I mounted them to the cable management boxes on the rear of the desk, so they can stick to the steel frame of the desk with magnets. I did the same with the power strips...
I initially did this with double sided Gorilla Tape, which worked for about 24 hours and then it fell off. No hate on the gorilla tape, in fact it's my favorite double sided tape, it just wasn't strong enough for this application.
If you look at the photos in the first post, you can see some coax and CAT5 cables hanging from my ceiling. I removed it in the edits of the photos so it didn't look so awful, but I was able to purchase a cable spine and clean up the look quite a bit. With how my attic is setup, it's not possible to easily drop them behind the wall and pop them out behind the desk.
Here's the floor under the desk after adding these magnetic mounts and cleaning up the cable management a bit, feels like a night and day difference to me...