Arthur site 4 voice frequency 420.1375 (LCN 490)
-- or they haven't updated their website.I've changed the name of this DMR TIII system to MRC Systems to differentiate it from the DMR FleetConnect system.
MRC Systems is mostly Wellington County based, while Fleet Connect is wide coverage from Windsor to Oshawa. Fleet Connect advertises a twenty-eight site system. We currently show thirty sites, so there must be two that are not part of this Connect system.
In the first image the color code is incorrect, it is not 0, it is color code 6.Id like to know what im doing wrong. I have heard Center Wellington once, but other then that nothing.
took a screen shot of a couple of local towers and the talkgroups
Am i missing something?
Sites that have been mis-CC'd
Conn Site 5 - CC0
Drayton Site 6 - CC0
Minto Site 7 - CC0
Mt. Forest Site 8 - CC0
mciupa Can you change these to CC6?