Clark County Fire Department on 154.3400 has become very active in reference to a wildland fire somewhere near Mt. Potosi. Interesting listening for the moment.
Has anyone heard an incident name yet? The federal/state interagency dispatch center in Las Vegas shows a lot of resources committed to a fire called "Sandy Valley." It started yesterday at 1334 and the location given is the Mountain Springs Shooting Range with a size of 1500 acres. It started on BLM protection and is likely burning onto the Humboldt-Toiyabe NF's Spring Mountain National Recreation Area. I'm pretty sure this is the incident that is being talked about here.
It put up a column and the start of a pyrocumulus cloud on top. It looks like it was already a "plume dominated" fire. It was started by target shooting when a round caused a spark that ignited dry vegetation according to a BLM law enforcement investigation.
TFR issued for the Sandy Creek fire SW of Las Vegas.
120.075 am listen here for air attack and other aircraft on this fire, listen for other air to air and
air to ground frequencies.
73, Rex
I know you are kidding, but I don't think one ever formed. The fire is close to containment now. I think a true pryocumulus cloud takes heavy fuel than that which burned here.