Name change causing issues with Uniden orogramming

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Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2007
Oklahoma City, Ok.
I noticed that RadioRefernece has changed the name of both OKWIN networks in the database. Fine and dandy, but know when I update my database for my Uniden scanner, it creates a whole new system, now doubling the size in my database and creating mass duplication! I guess I have to go through and delete all my old OKWIN entries and recreate it again. I have spent hours and hours naming channels to incorporate the town name in the channel name so when I quickly glance at it, I can rapidly tell what it is without having to squint to try to read the department!

Either that or manually enter the new info, which is also a pain! The whole intent of having an online database that works with scanner database software is so one can add new info with just a few clicks of the mouse.

Rant over.

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I'm just a listener
Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2003
Broken Arrow
Yes it sucks having to start over on everything, OHP was all simplified with the B1, B2 and B3 for the ID's. Thing is the Database is edited by user submissions (AFAIK) so someone submitted all these changes to the DB, was it for their liking?


Silent Key
Dec 19, 2002
Supply (Lockwood Inlet area), NC
For quite a while, I would import and then change the names of things. Over time, with RRDB changes, it become too much of a pain so I opted to just stop changing (most) things. It's certainly an option but then the manual maintenance of your programming falls into your hands.

Having said that, it can be really hard figuring out many of the channel/talkgroup usages - particularly when driving/traveling to new areas - given some of the inconsistent and poor choices for alpha tag abbreviations and labeling that exist in the database. For example:

Alpha Tags

WCOFIRE - NC VIPER adjacent counties of Wilson and Wayne - so which county is this? (Note: for Wayne County it is labeled "Wayne Fire" so maybe this one should be more descriptive too like "Wilson Fire")

2- for what? (Brunswick County Sheriff 2)

1/2 - description field says "Fire Dispatch"
5 - description field says "Fire Tac 5"
6 - "Fire Tac 6"

Wouldn't it make more sense to use the 'description string' (or some form of it) as the alpha tag?

It's all a trade off....

I have and do -- on numerous occasions -- submit changes/corrections (in some cases simply recommendations for improvements) to the DB admins. This is really the best way to address these issues. However, you have to keep in mind that there are some documented standards/guidance to the DB admins on what is and is not permissible.

As a matter of fact, just yesterday, while assisting a user with his scanner programming, I found myself submitting comments to the DB admins for a system in Massachusetts where mostly hidden information (in this case lat/lon/range) was incorrect or just plain missing (I see even this alot). It was nice to see that distant system submission was addressed in less than 24 hours (which in my area is pretty rare).

I've submitted changes on behalf of others out of my area (they confirmed but wouldn't submit it) only to be questioned at times by the DB admins on my submissions ("you can't do that").

I've volunteered numerous times to jump in and help improve some of these and also respond to submissions but I get no response ...

All of these these factors negatively impact on the user experience.
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Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2007
Oklahoma City, Ok.
That was one of my first rants was about the names! I have gone through my database and typed in the names of the towns before the service; ie, “Fire Dispatch” became “Lexington Fire Dispatch” so I could look and quickly see what it was. It doesn’t seem like much for all the moderators involved to take an area of their responsibility and simply type in the name of the towns in the description, so when one imports the data, it’s already there. But I was told that that was too much to ask for!

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I'm just a listener
Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2003
Broken Arrow
Nothing like importing a system of multiple users and seeing Sheriff Dispatch as the alpha tag on multiple ID's. Or seeing a system update has been done and read: Changed Site 001 to 001. Or best yet submitting an update and seeing the completed email and nothing changed!


Silent Key (April 15th, 2023)
Feed Provider
Feb 15, 2002
Bragg Creek, Alberta
Or seeing a system update has been done and read: Changed Site 001 to 001.

Actually, those particular ones can be explained. The code that RR uses to manage the updates doesn't tell you what changed within the site, just that it's been changed. The location, county, or frequencies might have been altered, or some of the 'hidden' properties you don't see unless you click on the site name; but it does say that the site was updated. It's essentially just a bad description of what's changed.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 3, 2007
Oklahoma City, Ok.
Can't you just change the name of your customized entry to match the new name and then do the update?

You, my friend, have won the prize! Your suggestion never even occurred to me! I have done as you suggested and updating is back to normal!

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