We have an old P25 radio - an astro spectra, model number MHLN6432E, which operates in 482 - 490 mhz range.
We need to transplant this radio to a new fire truck and so we are buying a new cable to connect the head to the radio. This has been harder than expected as nobody seems to know anything about this radio...
Is this the proper cable:
Motorola HKN4356B Astro Spectra Remote Head Control Cable XTL5000 W Series
Alternatively, if anyone knows of a radio shop (anywhere is fine, just need to be able to fedex/ups to me) that knows these old motorola radios and can confirm a part number for me, let me know - I am happy to send them this (very small) piece of business.
We have an old P25 radio - an astro spectra, model number MHLN6432E, which operates in 482 - 490 mhz range.
We need to transplant this radio to a new fire truck and so we are buying a new cable to connect the head to the radio. This has been harder than expected as nobody seems to know anything about this radio...
Is this the proper cable:
Motorola HKN4356B Astro Spectra Remote Head Control Cable XTL5000 W Series
Alternatively, if anyone knows of a radio shop (anywhere is fine, just need to be able to fedex/ups to me) that knows these old motorola radios and can confirm a part number for me, let me know - I am happy to send them this (very small) piece of business.