Are you trying to import a trunked system or conventional channels? Your original post doesn't really specify.
If trunked, under the import menu, select the option, then Trunked Data.
Enter your user name and password and click on the "Query RR Web Service" button.
Select the Country, State, and County where the system is located.
Select the system to be imported in the "Trunked Radio System" pull-down listing.
Once the system has been downloaded from the RR Web Service, switch the the Transmitter Site Selection tab. Depending on the type of system and the number of sites on that system, you may need to select at least one site to monitor (LTR and EDACS systems will only allow a single site to be selected). You may also wish to change the default option at the top of that screen to Primary and Alternate, or All site frequencies.
Then Switch to the Talkgroup Selection tab and select the talkgroups you would like to import. Talkgroups can be selected in a full list, or you can select specifc categories from the pull down above the talkgroup list. To select all of the currently displayed talkgroup objects, click on the "Select All" button.
Once you've selected the talkgroups you want, click on the "Import System" button. This will bring you to the object edit screen. This screen allows you to change the system name, adjust any trunking tables, control adding wildcard objects, set the default scanlists for all imported talkgroups and adjust the system type if needed.
There is also a talkgroup tab that allows you to adjust the properties of the talkgroups being imported including LED and Backlight settings, scanlists, and other options.
Once you have all of that set, click on the Import button to complete the import into the current scanner configuration.
Then you can upload the data to the scanner.