I am looking for the frequencies for the Kenwood TK-260G-1, can someone post them for me if you have them. I have searched everywere and can not find any frequencies.
Thank You
With the exception of the MURS frequencies (if the radio is MURS type accepted), all of the frequencies covered required an FCC license of some type. Many of the frequencies are still used by public safety, especially fire, and any interference with them is not only dangerous, but very expensive if you are caught.
That's a VHF radio that operates from 150 to 174mhz as has been mentioned. If you have one you might be able to use it for the 2m ham band if you're a licensed ham. I know a lot of (not all!) Kenwood commercial radios can be programmed into the ham bands without having to retune anything. I have an older UHF Kenwood portable I did that with and it works fine. Programming cables can be found on Ebay for less than $20. If you want to use it as a scanner you can do that too, just don't talk on any public safety freqs. It's fine to program them in and listen, just not to transmit.
I googled Kenwood TK-260G-1 and came up with a bunch of stuff. Seems that it is an 8 channel programmable two way radio. So as to "What the freqs are?" we won't be able to answer that question. As to what freqs it can operate on, check the spec sheet for that radio. If you just obtained the radio you will need a cable and the proper software to go along with it. Those items can be obtained over the internet; just google the radios name and scroll through the findings to find the best offerings.