jellotor said:Um, no...that's not what I thought. Simply disabling TX (as Mike pointed out) doesn't prevent the radio from affiliating. Either way, I'll just shut up now.
If I were selling radios to customers who had no business transmitting on any channel that the radio could be programmed for, in addition to the programming that Mike listed, I'd want to physically disable the PA. Of course, that usually means you need a schematic, unless some kind soul has posted that info on the net. I'm not talking about permanent damage, just a discreet trace cut that can be undone by anyone reasonably skilled in the radio arts.
With the wide proliferation of RSS and CPS out there, I wouldn't want to be blamed for any dubious reprogramming done after the sale.
BTW, you can see the results of some of the programming jobs (Invalid RID 0 / Invalid RID FFFF) all day long on 3C08.
BTW/2, if anyone chooses to cut the PTT button trace on a handheld, make sure you don't forget the external mic wiring.