I have set up a web page and forum modeled after the defunct Long Island Scanning Resources board that I used to moderate. Please take a minute to check it out and add info where needed.
Why ? Are there not enough boards to participate in ?
Plenty here for each State
Plenty at Yahoogroups
and if your looking into New England Specific try www.ScanCapeCod.us
KB1KBD said:
I have set up a web page and forum modeled after the defunct Long Island Scanning Resources board that I used to moderate. Please take a minute to check it out and add info where needed.
Why not! I know what you're saying and they are all great sites. My site is a dynamic in that it allows the users to post frequency info immediately and update as they find new frequencies. That link you provided came up blank. I tried it from the scanboston site link and it too came up a blank page. It doesn't seem to be a broken link just a blank page.
Why not! I know what you're saying and they are all great sites. My site is a dynamic in that it allows the users to post frequency info immediately and update as they find new frequencies. That link you provided came up blank. I tried it from the scanboston site link and it too came up a blank page. It doesn't seem to be a broken link just a blank page.
Why not! I know what you're saying and they are all great sites. My site is a dynamic in that it allows the users to post frequency info immediately and update as they find new frequencies. That link you provided came up blank. I tried it from the scanboston site link and it too came up a blank page. It doesn't seem to be a broken link just a blank page.