Redundancy isn't necessarily a bad thing when it comes to radio systems, so let's call it unnecessary duplication. Which already exists to some degree. The NJICS ASTRO 25 core is linked with the NJSP SmartZone system by way of SmartX site converters. Essentially, they are thin rack mount devices that take the analog/digital audio from the older SmartZone system and convert it into digitized IP packets, which then go out as P25 audio over the NJICS system. The reverse is also happening, where P25 audio from the NJICS is getting converted from IP packets back into analog or digital voice over the NJSP system. It all happens seamlessly and transparently. Although not entirely technically correct to say that they are one big system already, for practical purposes they are. Or more specifically, the ASTRO 25 core has effectively absorbed the old SmartZone OmniLink system.
The state has already replaced the 800 system repeaters. They are no longer the older Quantars, but are newer GTR 8000's (same repeaters used on the NJICS). While the Quantars were capable of P25 FDMA operation, they were not capable of TDMA or linear simulcast like the GTR's are, nor do they use IP connections to the zone controller.
I don't mean to suggest that it would be easy by any means to convert the NJSP system to P25, as there are obviously a ton of logistical issues involved in changing over an entire system while it's still active and quite busy. However from a technical standpoint, it's actually not that difficult since the ASTRO 25 core is already up and running for the NJICS system. It would be a matter of migrating sites and repeaters over from the SmartZone system to the ASTRO 25 system. One way that it could be done is by migrating a couple of frequencies at a time, gradually moving users over to the P25 side of things. So the three simulcasts have at least 12 channels each, you migrate 3 of them to P25 (control + 2 voice) as well as migrating a relatively small number of users over to P25 also, then continue to go 2 repeaters at a time until everything and everyone is moved over to P25. At that point it's legitimately a single system, as the old 800 MHz frequencies would simply become another site # on the NJICS system.
Easy for me to say LOL! Anyway, that's all just hypothetical at this point, but eventually they'll have to do something with the old SmartZone system since it's EOL at this point.