Apologies in advance, I've been trying to do my research, but I have a few questions...
Had a PSR-800 die on me in 2017. I sent it off for repair to Whistler and got it back about three weeks ago. Amazing what you forget in 3 years. I had purchased the scanner in an early run, so I think it's about 8 years old now. One of the ones with the powder coat that rubs off.
I live right by the Wanaque Reservoir in Wanaque, just for reference.
So, I've had the NJSP in the scanner since 2012 with no issues. I hear any talk group I want. NJICS was building up critical mass when my scanner died.
So, when I got my scanner back, I programmed in the NJICS system. It's been an odd experience and I have some questions:
1) So, sometimes I can hear the Passaic County Sheriff with no issues, other times it's Mr. Roboto. Looking at that object in the PSR-800/1080, I see that 4 sites are programmed in: mobile, Ramapo, Bowling Green, and West Orange. Should I be disabling any of these towers for better reception?
2) General simulcasting. I listen to the park police on the NJSP system, but I also hear them on the NJICS system too. Are all talkgroups simulcasted, or just select ones?
3) Are there any oddball favorite talk groups that you like to listen to? The parks pd has been sort of funny lately, because they were giving warnings and tickets to people for not social distancing and whatnot. Also, they broke-up a cross-fit class.
I've been out of the action for awhile and I've been trying to read old posts, but it's hard catching up. I've had trunking scanners since 2009, but I seem to have lost the bead.