New Jersey Interoperability Communication System (NJICS)

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Dec 22, 2005
Primarily to avoid co-channel interference when frequencies are shared/reused at multiple sites within the same system. Some systems, such as STARNet, make it a habit to assign a different NAC to all neighboring sites, even if no frequencies are shared. STARNet is using all 16 variations of the NAC related to the 942 SysID, i.e. 940-94F. It appears that NJICS is now starting to do the same in some instances, whereas previously most of the ASR sites were 390 (and still are mostly), and the simulcast sites used 390-395. Now we're seeing 39A-39E in the mix.
Got that...curious, NAC change must impact subs on the system/site. I would assume every radio for that site would need an update. Only way to accomplish this must be OTA? Curious as it sounds like PIA.


TETRA Techie
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
East Windsor NJ
On a trunking system, there should be no need to reprogram the radio. The control channel info for the sites should be broadcasting the NAC information on every affiliation when the radio attaches to a site. That way it knows what NAC to use when communicating with that site.

On my system its pretty similar. We use color codes in instead of NAC's. If I am on top of the Driscoll Bridge, I will definitely hit more than one site with the same uplink freq. The only way those other sites will ignore me is if they see that the CC I am using is not their own. If not, my uplink could wind up going to one of them and my downlink on another site. Since I have to do frequency re-use around the state, the CC helps


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Got that...curious, NAC change must impact subs on the system/site. I would assume every radio for that site would need an update. Only way to accomplish this must be OTA? Curious as it sounds like PIA.
Negative, the NAC is not programmed anywhere in the subscriber codeplug for trunking. Instead the radio validates the 12-bit NAC received on the control channel against the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit System ID. That's why Motorola ASTRO 25 site NAC's always match the first part of the System ID (i.e. Sys 39A with NAC values ranging from 390 to 39F). Note that this only applies to Motorola ASTRO 25 systems like NJICS; Harris does not use this method.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Negative, the NAC is not programmed anywhere in the subscriber codeplug for trunking. Instead the radio validates the 12-bit NAC received on the control channel against the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit System ID. That's why Motorola ASTRO 25 site NAC's always match the first part of the System ID (i.e. Sys 39A with NAC values ranging from 390 to 39F). Note that this only applies to Motorola ASTRO 25 systems like NJICS; Harris does not use this method.
Ahhh.Copy that,thanks.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 23, 2008
Hello. I have been looking for New Providence on 4815 but have heard nothing. Does anyone know if they are using a different TG?


On the Road
Premium Subscriber
Dec 29, 2017
Northern NJ
Looks like MICCOM is back on their normal TG(4647). Unless they were just quiet earlier and missed them.
Last few days I’ve been seeing them on UASI 3.

Observed at 23:58, with their I assume normal dispatch id i1620200.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 6, 2006
Apologies in advance, I've been trying to do my research, but I have a few questions...

Had a PSR-800 die on me in 2017. I sent it off for repair to Whistler and got it back about three weeks ago. Amazing what you forget in 3 years. I had purchased the scanner in an early run, so I think it's about 8 years old now. One of the ones with the powder coat that rubs off.

I live right by the Wanaque Reservoir in Wanaque, just for reference.

So, I've had the NJSP in the scanner since 2012 with no issues. I hear any talk group I want. NJICS was building up critical mass when my scanner died.

So, when I got my scanner back, I programmed in the NJICS system. It's been an odd experience and I have some questions:

1) So, sometimes I can hear the Passaic County Sheriff with no issues, other times it's Mr. Roboto. Looking at that object in the PSR-800/1080, I see that 4 sites are programmed in: mobile, Ramapo, Bowling Green, and West Orange. Should I be disabling any of these towers for better reception?

2) General simulcasting. I listen to the park police on the NJSP system, but I also hear them on the NJICS system too. Are all talkgroups simulcasted, or just select ones?

3) Are there any oddball favorite talk groups that you like to listen to? The parks pd has been sort of funny lately, because they were giving warnings and tickets to people for not social distancing and whatnot. Also, they broke-up a cross-fit class.

I've been out of the action for awhile and I've been trying to read old posts, but it's hard catching up. I've had trunking scanners since 2009, but I seem to have lost the bead.



On the Road
Premium Subscriber
Dec 29, 2017
Northern NJ
Apologies in advance, I've been trying to do my research, but I have a few questions...

Had a PSR-800 die on me in 2017. I sent it off for repair to Whistler and got it back about three weeks ago. Amazing what you forget in 3 years. I had purchased the scanner in an early run, so I think it's about 8 years old now. One of the ones with the powder coat that rubs off.

I live right by the Wanaque Reservoir in Wanaque, just for reference.

So, I've had the NJSP in the scanner since 2012 with no issues. I hear any talk group I want. NJICS was building up critical mass when my scanner died.

So, when I got my scanner back, I programmed in the NJICS system. It's been an odd experience and I have some questions:

1) So, sometimes I can hear the Passaic County Sheriff with no issues, other times it's Mr. Roboto. Looking at that object in the PSR-800/1080, I see that 4 sites are programmed in: mobile, Ramapo, Bowling Green, and West Orange. Should I be disabling any of these towers for better reception?

2) General simulcasting. I listen to the park police on the NJSP system, but I also hear them on the NJICS system too. Are all talkgroups simulcasted, or just select ones?

3) Are there any oddball favorite talk groups that you like to listen to? The parks pd has been sort of funny lately, because they were giving warnings and tickets to people for not social distancing and whatnot. Also, they broke-up a cross-fit class.

I've been out of the action for awhile and I've been trying to read old posts, but it's hard catching up. I've had trunking scanners since 2009, but I seem to have lost the bead.


sent you that reply PM. The other guys will also be good for chiming in.


Field Operations Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2010
South Padre, TX
1) So, sometimes I can hear the Passaic County Sheriff with no issues, other times it's Mr. Roboto. Looking at that object in the PSR-800/1080, I see that 4 sites are programmed in: mobile, Ramapo, Bowling Green, and West Orange. Should I be disabling any of these towers for better reception?

It shouldn't make that big of a difference. What will make a difference is how strong your signal from each is. The distorted digital signal may also not be you. I know PCSO had comments about clarity and coverage issues in a couple places in the county.

2) General simulcasting. I listen to the park police on the NJSP system, but I also hear them on the NJICS system too. Are all talkgroups simulcasted, or just select ones?

That depends. Some talkgroups are patched full-time between various systems and the NJICS, but generally a talkgroup will only be active if a user has affiliated to it.

3) Are there any oddball favorite talk groups that you like to listen to? The parks pd has been sort of funny lately, because they were giving warnings and tickets to people for not social distancing and whatnot. Also, they broke-up a cross-fit class.

Parks PD, PIP Police (when not encrypted), and while not oddball REMCS is always good for the chaos and dark-humor of EMS in Newark.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
Today if not 200 or more dead keys on site 007 Union County Dispatch. RID 2015005 Roselle Park Borough. What I don’t understand is how the person at console does not challenge that. Another question why does anyone have that TG programmed? Only 2400 should have. This lid could keep pages from going out. I wonder if 2400 even sees the activity.Seems not.


Field Operations Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2010
South Padre, TX
Today if not 200 or more dead keys on site 007 Union County Dispatch. RID 2015005 Roselle Park Borough. What I don’t understand is how the person at console does not challenge that. Another question why does anyone have that TG programmed? Only 2400 should have. This lid could keep pages from going out. I wonder if 2400 even sees the activity.Seems not.

You're going to have to be more specific. Union County Dispatch describes six talkgroups. Which Union County Dispatch? Fire, EMS, UCPD, Hotline, Sheriffs Main, Emergency Management?


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
You're going to have to be more specific. Union County Dispatch describes six talkgroups. Which Union County Dispatch? Fire, EMS, UCPD, Hotline, Sheriffs Main, Emergency Management?
Ahhhh I see that. Union County Fire Dispatch. Still at it going crazy.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 22, 2005
You're going to have to be more specific. Union County Dispatch describes six talkgroups. Which Union County Dispatch? Fire, EMS, UCPD, Hotline, Sheriffs Main, Emergency Management?
Interesting. Shortly after this post dead keys stopped. Have to wonder about that. Canada ice treatment perhaps. Perhaps sub killed at server level.Hmmmm.
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Field Operations Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2010
South Padre, TX
Interesting. Shortly after this post dead keys stopped. Have to wonder about that. Canada ice treatment perhaps. Perhaps sub killed at server level.Hmmmm.

Or someone made a phone call. Several county dispatchers read these forums including the supervisor on duty.
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