This is not intended to start a debate, and is in compliance with the forum rules. So PLEASE don't reply to this post if you're going to go on a rant beating a dead horse about an agency's communications policy choices.
After speaking with several people, it's become apparent there aren't really any plans to move Newark and Irvington units off of REMCS-2 Ops and back into the clear. It appears that it may be a permanent change to keep them there encrypted. So should we consider possibly updating the database to reflect only South Orange units on REMCS-1 Dispatch Mode T, and Newark/Irvington units on REMCS-2 Dispatch Mode TE (updated Ops to Dispatch)?
After speaking with several people, it's become apparent there aren't really any plans to move Newark and Irvington units off of REMCS-2 Ops and back into the clear. It appears that it may be a permanent change to keep them there encrypted. So should we consider possibly updating the database to reflect only South Orange units on REMCS-1 Dispatch Mode T, and Newark/Irvington units on REMCS-2 Dispatch Mode TE (updated Ops to Dispatch)?