Thanks, Russell, I'll do that. As I said in #14, I suspected some sort of interop.
Sorry, Phil. It's just that every time the subject comes up, there's a flurry of "Denver's going P25," or "Denver's going ProVoice," etc., posts here. As an insider, I can't emphasize enough how "dire" the situation is in city government - and that's not my term, that's what the employees hear from the mayor and the administration. We've been taking the brunt of the cuts, since personnel are the major part of the budget. For the city to make any sort of major expenditure - funded through grants, or any other means - that isn't targeting that major portion of the budget, would not be viewed in a positive light (going all P.C. on you there.) IOW, impossible to explain. Since the push is to find money to "run the city," I'm thinking that seeking grants for anything that doesn't save jobs or keep the city government's doors open is definitely on the back burner, if it's anywhere at all.
Sorry, Phil. It's just that every time the subject comes up, there's a flurry of "Denver's going P25," or "Denver's going ProVoice," etc., posts here. As an insider, I can't emphasize enough how "dire" the situation is in city government - and that's not my term, that's what the employees hear from the mayor and the administration. We've been taking the brunt of the cuts, since personnel are the major part of the budget. For the city to make any sort of major expenditure - funded through grants, or any other means - that isn't targeting that major portion of the budget, would not be viewed in a positive light (going all P.C. on you there.) IOW, impossible to explain. Since the push is to find money to "run the city," I'm thinking that seeking grants for anything that doesn't save jobs or keep the city government's doors open is definitely on the back burner, if it's anywhere at all.