The antenna issue seems to be covered rather well except for one thing, a half wave dipole is horizontally polarized since they're usually mounted that way with a figure 8 radiation pattern 90 degrees off it's axis. That means you have to mount it broadside to the areas you want to cover. A nice addition would be a vertical such as the ever popular Antron for vertical polarization and omnidirectional coverage, you'll find both quite useful once you get your feet wet.
Since you're new to the game you need to learn a bit of protocol since operating is a world apart from VHF/UHF so listening around the HF bands will give you a heads up, like the famous Gordon West says; before you transmit, listen listen listen. While a lot of hams use 10M as a "CB" talk-around band and there are informal "nets" and various groups out there when the DX comes in things get formal and there is procedure to follow or they'll think you're a lid and won't talk to you.
Speaking of CB, it makes an excellent "beacon band" so when you hear madness and mayhem 10M is usually open. That's when you go up there and call CQ, a lot of times when you hear nothing it's because the lights are on but nobody's home, they're listening but nobody's talking.
Now what's this about too busy playing around with the FD radio? You're a volunteer so you should have a pager so you're playing around with the wrong radio... get my drift?
"I am picking up some radio on the AM calling 3.885mHz. Its coming in and out. Too bad I can't talk on it."
It's not a calling frequency bit it IS a circus that's been entertaining me since 1965 so consider yourself lucky. Listening casually will give you brain damage, heavy addiction will drive you insane so when the band you're in starts playing different tunes I'll see you on the dark side of the moon taking your test for General.