Any other options to upload calls to twitter since now audio boom wants to charge 10 dollars a month which is way to step
I don’t have any idea if it would work, but have you considered loading the TTD audio file up to an ftp server and then writing a little python script that posts the link to the server file to your FB page or wall? Something similar to the way push notifications work through TTD.
Here is some info that I found:
Python Facebook tutorial - post to Facebook page in 4 steps - nikhil's blog
The steps outlined are badly out of date. Don't waste your time on them
I don’t think you need static ip.I noticed that while reading. That why I asked about Twitter.
Another question about ftp servers. Do you need static IP address for it?
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I too am looking for a new way to upload to Twitter and a place host audio files now that AudioBoo is charging per month. Anyone know of such another place?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've tried that for Facebook pages and get Gmail services error and it fails to trigger the event. There is no explanation on the error.I too used to use AudioBoo. Yesterday, I found IFTTT and was able to get it setup to post to Twitter.
I found it easy to setup, as it works on if/then statements. If it receives an email, then it posts to Twitter. It gives you the email address to sent to and you link your Twitter to it. Whenever it receives an email, it can post the subject, body, attachment, etc. to Twitter. I also have my Twitter linked to Facebook, so if something is posted to Twitter, it also posts to Facebook. I just put that email address into the same place where I used the audioboo email address.
If anyone wants to see how mine displays, Twitter is @FayetteBremer. Facebook is
I've tried that for Facebook pages and get Gmail services error and it fails to trigger the event. There is no explanation on the error.
Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I too used to use AudioBoo. Yesterday, I found IFTTT and was able to get it setup to post to Twitter.
I found it easy to setup, as it works on if/then statements. If it receives an email, then it posts to Twitter. It gives you the email address to sent to and you link your Twitter to it. Whenever it receives an email, it can post the subject, body, attachment, etc. to Twitter. I also have my Twitter linked to Facebook, so if something is posted to Twitter, it also posts to Facebook. I just put that email address into the same place where I used the audioboo email address.
If anyone wants to see how mine displays, Twitter is @FayetteBremer. Facebook is
Created my own. Select new applet, select email for the if part. Select twitter for the then part.Which applet did you use? I've been searching for 15 minutes.
line #s from the original file:
line 18: Ping %pingAddress% -n 1 -w 2500
line 47: start "" "%appName%" /HIGH /d TTD
line 62: shutdown /r /t 10 /c "Two Tone Detect is not running. The script is rebooting the computer."
line 70: c:\PROGRA~1\winscp\ /command ^
"open ftp://%ftpUser%:%ftpPassword%@%ftpServer%/" ^
"cd %sourceFolder%"
I too used to use AudioBoo. Yesterday, I found IFTTT and was able to get it setup to post to Twitter.
Twitter and Facebook both dislike my audio attachment for some reason.
What format are you using for audio? I'm using wav format.
I use mp3 format for my Twitter and Facebook files
Using latest Windows 10 with latest ffmpeg.exe, AMR emails are not sending, getting this error when running debug:
Automatic encoder selection failed for output stream #0:0. Default encoder for format amr (codec amr_nb) is probably disabled. Please choose an encoder manually.
Error selecting an encoder for stream 0:0
I am having the same issue. Were you able to figure this out. The MP3's are being created and sending to emails fine, but the system isn't creating the AMR files. No text messages are going out. System give error message that it cannot fine the .amr file to send. I am on windows 10 64bit and ffmpeg is in the directory. I am using the 32bit ffmpeg as shown in some other windows...