I'm not new to scanning but new to digital and trunking and stuff like that. Everything where i live has always just been regular freqs in the clear not digital. I just got a BCD996P2. it has way more everything than I'm used too. I really don't know how to program it or anything. I did download ProScan, but it seemed to have left me with more questions than answers. I live in a place, (Otero county New Mexico) that has P25 and military stuff going on but I really don't know much about it. Can someone point me in the direction of something to read or somehow give me some help in figuring this stuff out. I'm not stupid or illiterate or anything, this is just a long way from my eleven frequencies I'm used to dealing with. Thanks for any help you can give me and I dont need a bunch of people calling me dumb and talking **** so if your gonna do that **** Off in advance.