I got in touch with the Norman Fire administration regarding the rumored upcoming encryption. Contrary to the rumored 'full encryption', they're actually going to be rolling back encryption in the near future. Encryption will be limited to training and sensitive incidents (FGs 2-5). The primary fireground channel for most in-city incidents (Fireground 1) is going to be unencrypted. There was an error/misunderstanding when the Norman P25 system was installed and radios cloned a couple of years ago. FG 6 (the Little Axe & Cleveland County Fire link) and FG 7 (OKC Fire auto-aid link) will also remain in the clear.
Norman Fire DC, FG1, FG6, and FG7 will be completely in the clear.
The changes will take effect soon, but as with most things related to the government, the exact timeline is unclear.