ProScan Not Sending to Broadcastify


Feed Provider
Feb 21, 2005
Newington, Connecticut
Proscan has run great for me for the past few years. Today I got notice from Broadcastify that my feed was offline.

I took a look at my setup and it showed I was connected to Broadcastify.

I rebooted the machine as it hasn't been rebooted in a few weeks, it starts up shows me I am connected to Broadcastify but Broadcastify keeps saying I am offline.

I noticed the TX packets was not climbing but the RX packets was.

I stopped and started it a few times and it keeps doing the same thing.

I thought it maybe was a broadcastify server issue, so I turned on SDRTrunk and connected to Broadcastify it it immediately showed that I was online.

So seems to be an issue with Proscan... so anyone have any ideas?