NV - 2020 BLM Radio Channel Loads

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Active Member
Mar 1, 2019
Goodie goodie, thanks!

Realize that this is a Nevada BLM document he is pulling from. The only reason the California Desert District in California is shown is because the Southern Nevada District borders it. There isn't any info about the other two California BLM districts in the document he is sharing. He had posted the CDD channels in the California forum. People in the eastern U.S. tend to post federal information here, but in the west it tends to be posted in the state forums.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2019
Yes, but that is after a period of dormancy months from now, and not now - and people can still get the info even if locked.
As a forum owner then, you understand that forum traffic is often much higher than wiki traffic, and provides a direct line of communication, that everyone can see.
If you can tell me what kind of issues can arise from someone posting something presumptive, and it is something legitimate, then fine - but I can't think of one. I don't think the fact that this thread will be locked in a few months is an issue - it's still accessible information that can be used, copied and pasted, and submitted to other places.

The reason I posted my initial response is because I see this a lot and I disagree with it because it discourages people from sharing information at all. I am sure that isn't your intended purpose, but it's an outcome of criticizing posts - people just say, "fine, then I'll keep it to myself, screw this."
In theory, the wiki is awesome, and for some places, it works, but for most places, nobody checks the thing at all, nor cares about it - they check the forums. Now, I agree that this stuff should be posted in the wiki, but not exclusively - I think posting this stuff in the wiki, while simultaneously having a conversation about the material here, is perfect. Obviously, we're all entitled to our opinions, and that is all they are.

I have a large quantity of official agency directory info that I wanted to submit to the database. Some people considered this data as sort of "hearsay" and told me not to submit. They said official directories are not better than doing "an FCC license dump." Based on experience I think that statement has very little validity. I don't think bad data is inserted to throw anyone off either, my late Hubby went on some both small and large wildland fires and saw the very directories I can still obtain in the incident comm units, on the dashboards and seats of engines and in agency offices. But, I was told that this info had to be verified by listeners first. If you can't submit it until listeners verify it, how are you supposed to being it to everyone's attention unless you list it out in a forum post? That is exactly what zerg is doing here. The result of this policy is that 10 or more year old data is sitting on the database showing frequencies that aren't being used anymore. Meanwhile, their are official directories that have current information that is 90% plus accurate that is not allowed to show up on the database. I was told to submit all the official directory information on a thread for people to verify the official info. I haven't had time to do so. I just got a Arizona wildland fire sticky thread (I didn't post it that way, the mods set it up that way) going to verify some information. I haven't had time to go any further than post some Forest Service info in that thread. I still have the BIA, BLM and a little USFWS info to post.

Now this topic has little relativity to people in the eastern U.S. The BLM only has 50,000 surface acres east of the Mississippi River border states. While it may not be an important and visible agency for those in the east, it is a very well known agency in the west, especially in rural areas. Of those who take a negative view of zerg's posts, all are from the east. I'm in the west where my Daddys, my late Hubby and I all love to listen to natural resource management agencies with big city law enforcement down the list of interests.

Another thing I've noticed is that no one complains about very long threads, that are no different than zerg's, that discuss the details of large city law enforcement departments along with unit identifier info, maps of geographical units of the department and similar. What makes the BLM any different? I've posted links to very helpful maps for the BLM and the USFS on threads I've started here in the federal forum. This is all intended to not only identify frequencies, but to help people understand what they are hearing. I hear the Wiki mentioned, but I know I'm not able to post there as writing anything on the Wiki reminds me of my college days in a computer class, typing out all sorts of weird ? Fortran commands for a punch card machine, later finding out that you placed a space in front of a ")", "@" or "%" that sends a computer into an endless loop . I don't have time to learn this illogical system of hieroglyphics. Why can't we have software similar to word, where you type something as it is going to appear on the page? Why can't it be that simple? Not only that, the way the information is laid out in the Wiki is not clear, so I get frustrated navigating it. I never knew how to access it from the Wiki main page because the button to push to get there is titled "Collaboration." To me that is similar to the forward in a book where an author acknowledges everyone who helped to gather the info for the book and people who edited the manuscripts, not where the meat of the material is located. So I didn't click on "Collaboration" for about a year after joining here. In short, it is not user friendly.

What are forum threads for, to exchange information right? Isn't that what zerg is doing? I know I appreciate his hard work hunting in obscure and veiled places finding important info.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 19, 2005
Found a few more interesting items from the 2020 Las Vegas document


in the SND Co-op Zone / Bank - (SND = southern nevada district)

'Score Race' - 151.625

'BITD 1 Race' - 151.49

'BITD 2 Race' - 151.06 - (maybe a typo for 154.60 ?)

anyone recognize that abbreviation ?

'NV EMS 1' - 154.28 - (maybe is typo - maybe is EMA 1?)

'VHF Tac 1' - 154.10 - CG 71.9 - RX + TX - maybe a Clark County FD channel ?

"VMED 28 / Nev Coord 1' - 155.34

'VMED 29 / Nev Coord 2' - 155.3475


in the "Vegas Fire" zone / bank

"TOI 2456" - 172.275 R - 164.50 input - (the input PL is different from the other repeaters on this channel pair - perhaps this is a USFS transportable repeater)

"Tac 4" - 166.1825

"Tac 5" - 166.8875

(there is no indication as to who "owns" those Tac channels)


no PLs are listed for any of these channels - except as I indicated


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Would this area be in the Baker to Vegas foot race that goes through Tecopa and Shoshone?

Found a few more interesting items from the 2020 Las Vegas document


in the SND Co-op Zone / Bank - (SND = southern nevada district)

'Score Race' - 151.625

'BITD 1 Race' - 151.49

'BITD 2 Race' - 151.06 - (maybe a typo for 154.60 ?)

anyone recognize that abbreviation ?

'NV EMS 1' - 154.28 - (maybe is typo - maybe is EMA 1?)

'VHF Tac 1' - 154.10 - CG 71.9 - RX + TX - maybe a Clark County FD channel ?

"VMED 28 / Nev Coord 1' - 155.34

'VMED 29 / Nev Coord 2' - 155.3475


in the "Vegas Fire" zone / bank

"TOI 2456" - 172.275 R - 164.50 input - (the input PL is different from the other repeaters on this channel pair - perhaps this is a USFS transportable repeater)

"Tac 4" - 166.1825

"Tac 5" - 166.8875

(there is no indication as to who "owns" those Tac channels)


no PLs are listed for any of these channels - except as I indicated


Active Member
Mar 1, 2019
Would this area be in the Baker to Vegas foot race that goes through Tecopa and Shoshone?

One possible explanation is the "Best in the Desert" racing association. It is an off highway vehicle entity. As far as I know the Baker to Vegas run relies mainly on ham radio for comms. When we lived in California the County Sheriff invited late Hubby to come along, along with a pre-trip recon to figure out where to set up a portable repeater. Beyond that I don't know how the other teams do their comms. A sergeant or investigator on the Sheriff's Department was a ham, so maybe that is where I got the impression. About 15 years ago we stopped hearing about the event, so I don't know anything more about it.

The Beat in the Desert association makes more sense. I've been to the websites of some other similar groups in Calif. They use VHF Hi business band frequencies and have a ton of them licensed for mobile use all over the country. Nearly anything done in the area around Las Vegas, with the exception of Lake Mead NRA, the Spring Mtns. NRA and the Desert National Wildlife Refuge Complex is going to be with the BLM. It makes sense that the BLM would need to get on their radio comms.

I can't get the BITD website to open. I just spins and spins.

SCORE is a southern California off highway vehicle entity of some sort. I think it stands for something like "Southern California Off Road Racing Xxxx." I don't remember what the "E" stands for.


Active Member
Mar 1, 2019
Found a few more interesting items from the 2020 Las Vegas document

'NV EMS 1' - 154.28 - (maybe is typo - maybe is EMA 1?)

'VHF Tac 1' - 154.10 - CG 71.9 - RX + TX - maybe a Clark County FD channel ?

"VMED 28 / Nev Coord 1' - 155.34

'VMED 29 / Nev Coord 2' - 155.3475


in the "Vegas Fire" zone / bank

"TOI 2456" - 172.275 R - 164.50 input - (the input PL is different from the other repeaters on this channel pair - perhaps this is a USFS transportable repeater)

"Tac 4" - 166.1825

"Tac 5" - 166.8875

(there is no indication as to who "owns" those Tac channels)

Of course we all know that 154.280 is V-Fire 21, formerly known as "White 1" among a bunch of other names. It is the nearly universal fire mutual aid frequency. I don't have anymore light to shed on that one. zerg, will have to spent some time, brief as I have, to guide my way to some additional knowledge on this ;) ;)

The 154.340, "VMed28" and 155.3475, "VMed29" are also called "NEVCORD 1" and "NEVCORD 2" in Nevada. These are listed because 8 western states, as well as South Dakota and Nebraska have agreed to use at least 155.340 the primary air to ground for med evacs on wildland fires. For whatever reason, 155.4750, "VLAW31" is the chosen freq in North Dakota. In California, the frequency 156.0750 has been agreed to. It is licensed by the CA Office of Emergency Services as "CALCORD." It is a frequency used all over the state for multiple agency incident coordination. In my hospital days and late Hubby's volunteer FD days we saw it used when a large number of agencies responded to the start of incidents. We had some major rock/mud slides on a major mountain road with USFS, State Parks, Cal Fire, Caltrans (CA DOT), the county (S.O., FD's, Public Works, Public Health) and EMS responding. CALCORD was shouted from the rafters so that is what we used first on scene. VMED28 used to be called "HEAR" in California which stood for "Hospital Emergency Administrative Radio." I know every hospital in Southern California monitored it and had drills from time to time. It was like VFIRE21, except for medicine.

For some reason Washington and Oregon have not set a standard frequency. Nevada and Utah are the only states to designate VMED29 as a secondary, just in case two "incidents within an incident" (in this case a medical among PS Safety people) occur within listening distance of each other.

Hopefully this map won't give me trouble as an attachment. It is the EMS wildland fire medical evac air to ground map for the west.
Oh, for heaven's sake! I have the hardest time posting maps. It says "the uploaded file is too large for the server to process." I don't want to post it in B&W so I give up.

As for Tacs 4-5, this is the first place I've seen this. I'm going to have to dig around more in "Hubby's Notebooks." I'm working on, at a snails pace, a listing of tactical frequencies adopted by each GACC (Geographical Area Coordination Center - 10 in U.S.). NIFC told the agencies to not use the NIFC tacs for initial attack or locally managed incidents, that they are only for national Type I and Type II incidents. Since then area, sometimes on a state by state basis, tacs have been assigned. When these frequencies are assigned the USFS and BLM pool what they have and in Utah, the state contributed one of two as well. The GACC controls their assignments so they really aren't "anyone's" frequencies. I'm glad to find out about these two, I will add them to my list. Someday I might complete it.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Stage 3? Isn't that on the flat just before the first long uphill and the busiest medical stage in the race? I've worked B2V three times with my local ARES group and I think that was the stage I worked each time. Maybe I worked it with you ???

Baker to Vegas is alive and well (except for Covid-19 this year). I used to work communications at Stage 3 - the lowest elevation, worst spot radio-wise on the route!


Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2012
Los Angeles
Stage 3? Isn't that on the flat just before the first long uphill and the busiest medical stage in the race? I've worked B2V three times with my local ARES group and I think that was the stage I worked each time. Maybe I worked it with you ???
Stage 3 is near Dumont Dunes and the south entrance to Death Valley. I got involved through ARES in the San Fernando Valley.
Been many years...I set up a 9 element yagi with 100+ watts going into it to get into the Mt Potosi repeater! And yes, 3 was known for medical emergencies (including medivacs). Eventually, the paramedics set up a staging area near us.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
Mercedes was usually in charge of our group, does that sound familiar? Its been a few years but the last two times I participated I camped at Stage 3 in my small fiberglass travel trailer and had lots of antennas set up and solar charged deep cycle batts. The last time I did this it was incredibly windy and lots of stuff got torn up, have not been back since.

Stage 3 is near Dumont Dunes and the south entrance to Death Valley. I got involved through ARES in the San Fernando Valley.
Been many years...I set up a 9 element yagi with 100+ watts going into it to get into the Mt Potosi repeater! And yes, 3 was known for medical emergencies (including medivacs). Eventually, the paramedics set up a staging area near us.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 16, 2012
Los Angeles
Mercedes was usually in charge of our group, does that sound familiar? Its been a few years but the last two times I participated I camped at Stage 3 in my small fiberglass travel trailer and had lots of antennas set up and solar charged deep cycle batts. The last time I did this it was incredibly windy and lots of stuff got torn up, have not been back since.
I started a "conversation" and sent a photo.


Explorer of the Frequency Spectrum
Premium Subscriber
Oct 25, 2008
Southern California and sometimes Owens Valley
So what is interesting to listen to on BLM frequencies?
BLM is a land management agency with a mission similar to that of the US Forest Service (USFS). BLM is part of the US Dept. of the Interior while USFS is part of the Dept. of Agriculture.

Depending on area/district you'll hear fire/emergency traffic, law enforcement, visitor services and routine status checks. As with many other allied agencies, special events and weather conditions will generate more radio traffic.


Dec 27, 2019
BLM is a land management agency with a mission similar to that of the US Forest Service (USFS). BLM is part of the US Dept. of the Interior while USFS is part of the Dept. of Agriculture.

Depending on area/district you'll hear fire/emergency traffic, law enforcement, visitor services and routine status checks. As with many other allied agencies, special events and weather conditions will generate more radio traffic.
Thank you for the reply.
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