Interesting system. I am about 50 miles north of Ogdensburg, and
when propogation is enhanced, have heard a P25 CC on ~152.05
which I now assume is 152.0525; and recently "heard" P25 voice on
~152.55 which I assume is 152.5475.
With no P25 capability (haven't been able to get UniTrunker to work
yet) it's only a guess that the above is NYSEG. Another confusing aspect
is the new Quebec RENIR P25 system (north/east of me) which uses
frequencies in the same range (as well as 140's and 160's). So far, these
appear to be on 15kHz grid, whereas NYSEG is on new 7.5kHz channels.
BTW is (was?) 48.700 an old NYSEG channel? I heard stuff on there
but going back a few years; will check again. Checked Dave's website
under counties and statewide, didn't see it listed.