I know I'm asking questions that you didn't want to answer via the PM you sent me. But they are fair questions.
For anyone reading, RakkFO is referencing the following system:
- Exactly what kind of progress are you having?
Are the two sites already in the database correct? (all frequencies listed are active, LCN order is correct)? Or are you basically starting completely from scratch with your own sleuthing?
- Do you use DSDPlus (after all this thread is about DSDPlus users)?
- Do you have any scanners with DMR capabability (or even without) that you can use to help figure out systems?
- Do we know for a fact that this is really a Connect Plus trunked system (versus Capacity Plus or something else) ?
The database lists it as a Connect Plus system -- but there is no system ID documented in the DB. Every Connect Plus system has a system ID. I'm wondering if the database entry was added in with no confirmed info.
So first one needs to determine if it is Connect Plus (and let us know the System ID) or Linked Capacity Plus, and then let us know site numbers for each of the sites.
It looks like there are four sites with trunked frequencies, spread across two licenses -- See
Google Map .
For some sites, there are frequencies spread across two licenses. Those frequencies for the same site could be the same system, or two different systems.
So we'll start with that, and perhaps you could fill us in on what you use and what you know so far.
That's certainly the best I can do with zero information to go on thus far. Don't depend upon anything you [currently] see in the database for Limited Brands Logistics since it doesn't look to be confirmed data at this point.
Mr Tindor it is not that I did not want to answer the questions but I took your advice and went to the forums. I have since sent you an email but as you pointed out you are busy and I understand that which is why I respectfully replied thank you and took your advice.
Answers to questions:
1: No the data in the DB is not correct. I need help with the Columbus Sites but I can confirm that nothing for the 002 Reynoldsburg site is accurate at this time. I am starting from scratch but I am about a week into this project so I have a lot of data.
2. I do use DSD+ and I posted to this thread since the help I am looking for probably needs DSD+ to assist. I also intended to make a thread for Limited Logistics (Columbus Ohio) but I am replying to this post instead.
3. Yes I have BCD436HP with all the upgrades
4. No that is not accurate, this system is a CAP+ ("2018/09/04 23:16:27 Current channel is first Cap+ repeater (Ch1 and Ch2)")
I do not know whom submitted the information for the original creation of this system but as of today it is no longer correct. It may have been at one time but not today.
It is not Connect plus and there is no system ID. Site numbers is where I start to need help. The Reynoldsburg site is broadcasting site 7 (which is also the address of the building it lives in), Problem is that when I listen to the New Albany site it broadcasts site 1. There is also a frequency licensed to Reynoldsburg that broadcasts site 1 but I have not captured enough data to say for sure but I don't believe that there is another site located at Reynoldsburg. This rouge frequency is a constant control channel and does not follow the behavior of the other two sites.
I am tracking five locations over four licenses:
Location 1 - Limited HQ (Morse Rd) address is 3 limited Place
Location 2 - Limited DC (Morse Rd) address is 1 limited Place
Location 3 - Limited Easton DC
Location 4 - Limited Reynoldsburg DC
Location 5 - Limited New Albany DC
WPDP435, WPFW257, WPWI463, WQNM954
I agree that the FCC data is a starting point but it is the most complicated system I have worked on. I have no experience with multi-site business set up, I have very limited experience with DMR. All reasons I asked for help.
Reynoldsburg Site 7
LCN 1: 451.8250 CC7
LCN 2: 462.0000 CC7
LCN 3: 464.1000 CC7
New Albany Site 1?
LCN1: 463.5750 CC8
LCN2: 452.2625 CC8
Rouge Frequency's
461.1250 is Channel one of site 1 with CC14 but I dont know where it is located
463.8500 is Channel two of site 1 with CC10 but I dont know where it is located.
The following frequencys are what I am using as my data at this time. Location codes are my own creation to track in scanner and SDR#.
Frequency License Location
451.8250 WPWI463 RNLDS (7LP)
451.8500 WQNM954 RNLDS (7LP)
452.0500 WPWI463 CMH1 (3LP)
452.2625 WQNM954 New Albany
452.3875 WQNM954 New Albany
452.6250 WQNM954 New Albany
452.9750 WPWI463 CMH2 (MC)
461.1250 WPWI463 RNLDS (7LP)
461.5250 WPWI463 CMH1 (3LP)
461.5500 WPWI463 RNLDS (7LP)
461.7250 WQNM954 RNLDS (7LP)
461.7750 WQNM954 CMH1 (3LP)
462.0000 WPWI463 RNLDS (7LP)
462.3750 WPWI463 CMH2 (MC)
463.3250 WQNM954 CMH1 (3LP)
463.5750 WQNM954 New Albany
463.8500 WPWI463 CMH1 (3LP)
464.1000 WQNM954 RNLDS (7LP)
464.2250 WQNM954 RNLDS (7LP)
464.3000 WQNM954 RNLDS (7LP)
464.3250 WQNM954 CMH1 (3LP)
464.5250 WQNM954 RNLDS (7LP)
464.6750 WQNM954 RNLDS (7LP)
464.7750 WPDP435 CMH1 (1LP)
464.8625 WQNM954 New Albany
464.8750 WQNM954 CMH1 (3LP)
464.9750 WQNM954 CMH1 (3LP)
I can offer anyone my DSD files and my SDR# files with data loaded.
Moderators please feel free to make this its own thread I am only using this here since it is a reply to a direct question.